Category: Uncategorized
Creating a More Female-Friendly Tech Industry: Forum | KQED Public Media for Northern CA – Definitely going to be downloading this one to listen. One of the guests is the CEO of Women Who Code, and if you’re not on their mailing list, you should be.
Spoiler: Public Speaking
The Single Best Thing You Can Do For Your Career – DONN FELKER – Fantastic article about how public speaking can enhance and expand your career in technology. (Link courtesy of the fantastic Technically Speaking newsletter, which you should sign up for.)
Jackson Pollock’s Lemon Pudding recipe on – The story of the recipe is here.
Brontosaurus Is Officially A Dinosaur Again – Now if Pluto regains planetary status, all our kindergarten knowledge will be valid again.
Panel appearance
What the CEO/Board needs from Technical Leaders – Sydney Technology Leaders (Sydney) – Meetup – Very last minute news – I’m going to be appearing on a panel at the next Sydney Technology Leaders meetup on Thursday! Please say hello if you attend.
Meet the Man Behind `Solarized,’ the Most Important Color Scheme in Computer History | | Observer – Interesting article, and it prompted me to finally install Solarized for TextWrangler, my old school editor of choice.
It’s a responsive world.
So obviously things have changed slightly around here. I spent a great deal of my four-day weekend in front of my laptop implementing a responsive design across both this site and a new professional site that I launched. For both of them, I used templates from HTML5 UP!. (I realise a template might be cheating/overkill, but it was a great starting point for someone whose CSS and HTML are decidedly rusty.) Along the way I learned heaps about character encoding (and how blog has been effed up in that regard for FIFTEEN YEARS), retina images, parallax scrolling, javascript minification, and lots of other stuff that’s come in since I stopped working as a dev. The blog is getting there. I’m still cleaning up a lot of cruft in the Photos section – about half the pages are still broken – and then I’ve got to tackle the DB itself. (Let’s just say I have a bad habit of typing HTML straight into my blog posts.) Damn, refactoring is addictive though. I’m having trouble stopping to go to bed! I’ve missed this. Make sure you check out the sites on your tablet or smartphone, and tell me if you find anything that looks wonky!
Game of Thrones: The 7 Deaths That Could Take Everyone By Surprise | Vanity Fair – If Ser Davos dies, I WILL LOSE IT.