‘Fifty Shades of Grey’-inspired burger returns to UK pub – NY Daily News – I’ll be honest. My first thought was, “What, does it have LUBE ON IT?”
Category: Uncategorized
I’m getting to the stage of weight loss now where people are really starting to comment on it. (13.3kg so far.) Above is a graph of my daily weigh-ins since January of 2014. I have a Fitbit Aria scale, but simply using Fitbit’s dashboard can be confusing because the numbers jump a lot. That’s why I also use TrendWeight to pull in the data and give me a smooth trendline from a rolling average. It makes it a lot easier to visualise whether a big jump (and as a lady, I can easily jump a kilo or more in 24 hours) is just a momentary blip or part of a larger trend.
While I did start 2014 on a health kick determined to shed some weight, I can’t claim that all of what happened was intended. I got a big promotion that February and spent the next six months working my ass off (pretty literally). It wasn’t particularly healthy, in that I was often skipping meals. I had trips to the US in April and June that threw off my routines as well. Fortunately by September things had evened out and I was pretty constant. My weight was starting to creep up by the end of the year though, which is why I’ve recommitted to Whole30. I feel really good. My knees are hurting less. And though I really miss alcohol and the occasional bit of dairy, I’m starting to think I really should stay as close to this going forward as I can. It suits me. I’m still firmly in the “overweight” BMI category, but at the rate I’m going, I won’t be there for very much longer…
Whole30: Day 22
Breakfast: Two eggs fried in ghee over leftover roast pumpkin and broccoli
Lunch: Leftover curried broccoli soup
Dinner: Leftover paleo Text Mex casserole -
I still miss Google Reader.
The Old Reader: behind the scenes – What The Old Reader Readers Are Reading – I wonder to what extent Flipboard has further cannibalised RSS usage? I’ll admit that I actually read Flipboard more, just because it looks a lot nicer.
Why You Should Never Worry Alone — Science of Us – Good advice. I’m a perpetual worrier, and it causes me issues. (Search the blog for “stomach” if you’re curious.) I’ve gotten better at sharing things with the Snook though, which helps. Sometimes I can’t even put it into words, but he knows when I say “Everything is ruined,” it’s time to pull me back from the abyss.
Very cool!
The wearable tool, the new Leatherman Tread – Leatherman Blog – I thought it looked dorky til I saw the version with the watch face. Wow. That’s pretty neat!
Whole30: Day 21
Breakfast: Apple and a couple handfuls of almonds; black coffee
Lunch: Leftover sweet potato and spinach curry
Dinner: Super porktastic meatloaf, roast pumpkin, and broccoli -
Hell yeah.
Barack Obama Is Out Of F**ks – Medium – I really liked this summation of today’s State of the Union address. Also, it led me to this masterpiece: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k. That’s my new mantra.
It’s probably fair to point out that if I truly didn’t give a f**k, I wouldn’t star the profanity. But hey, parents read this. Them I give a f**k about, okay?
Searching for snuggliness
I’ve got five months to find the perfect onesie for the next knitting retreat. The sparklier the better. (NO, I’M NOT KIDDING.) Any ideas?
I do rather like Cara Delevigne’s pizza onesie…