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Nearly there.
Withings Activité review: a slightly smarter watch | The Verge – I’ve been a happy Fitbit enthusiast for two years now, but this is getting pretty close to my Platonic ideal of a fitness tracking watch. Come on, Fitbit. I’m tired of wearing a silicone thing on my wrist. I’d like to look like a grown-up.
Not surprised.
Jay from the ‘Serial’ Podcast Is Ready to Talk; Rabia Chaudry Not Happy with the Ending – I love how he’s trying to position himself as on the side of Hae’s family, despite the fact that – regardless of who did it – he actually helped bury her and didn’t call the cops.
Very cool.
Exclusive Cindy Sherman – Oh, wow. I’m kinda tempted to preorder this. Cindy Sherman is genius.
Trip to Tasmania Photos
I’ve finally managed to organise and write-up 300+ photos from our trip to Tassie last month. They’re here if you want to have a look!
I’ve also embedded a map if you want to see where we went.
The importance of QA
The QA Mindset – Rands in Repose – Just sent this to a bunch of my colleagues. It’s a great argument for why we still need dedicated QA champions within teams, even in this age of daily deployments.
LinkedIn Notifications Blitz Annoys Users As Publishing Platform Expands – This is really, really annoying me. One connection I have makes a LOT of longform posts. Has anyone figured out a way to hide that yet, or should I just unlink him?
Dreading the end of Serial
Compelling true-life mysteries that end with a definite resolution – mystery mysterious truecrime | Ask MetaFilter – There’s no way Serial is going to end on a satisfying note, right?
How to Delete the Birthdays Calendar from Your Google Calendar | Awesomely Techie – THANK YOU. This annoyed the crap out of me. I already had a Birthdays calendar, Google, and it didn’t have a bunch of randos on it!