La Bottega Di Lisa 1412 – Laguna – My co-worker Linh is trying to convince me to go shoe shopping. I was resisting all her efforts until she sent me these. THEY’RE SO PRETTY.
Category: Uncategorized
SWAPI – The Star Wars API – I really need to use this for the next Hackathon. Very cool idea! I signed up.
High NFC, Right Here
Why ‘Serial’ Drives Some People Crazy — Science of Us – I’d say I’m definitely more NFC than the Snook. I’m really hoping for a decent resolution.
The YotaPhone 2 has two faces, zero gimmicks | The Verge – This is actually really cool. I’d love to be able to see weather and time at a glance without having to fire up my screen. That said, I also like having a case on my phone, which would obviously render this pretty useless. Neat idea though.
Spoiler alert.
Does Sean Bean Really Die More Than Other Actors? « Nerdist – Hahaha, the MeFi comments are pretty good too…
Sweet peach?!
Sweetpeachprobiotics – This is the one of the weirdest crowdfunding projects I’ve ever seen. She’s setting up a business where you can get your vaginal microbial flora sequenced and then subscribe to receive personalised probiotics. I see the worth in the idea; any woman who’s ever had a urinary tract infection can tell you that this is hugely important. But man, that name. “Sweet Peach”?! That alone would keep me from donating. I just have a viscerally negative reaction.
More reading
Nobody Wants to Be the Girl on a Diet — The Cut – This is so, so spot on. And I just realised how weird it is to read an article that makes me like Gwyneth Paltrow more than Jennifer Lawrence (or at least to feel sympathy for her, because, hey, she’s actually just being honest).
Calling out Cosby
So, About That Episode Where 30 Rock Called Out Bill Cosby as a Rapist – I remember this. Wow, yeah.
Astronaut TWINS?
With An Eye To Mars, NASA is Testing its Astronaut Twins | Science | Smithsonian – This so amazingly cool. I had no idea that Mark Kelly’s brother was an astronaut, much less that he was an identical twin. It’s like the perfect guinea pig setup! Can’t wait to see what the results are.
This somewhat related story about twins going into space made me LOL though. The Winklevi used bitcoin to book a space trip. OF COURSE THEY DID.
Coming Soon – Butter Up – Mr Snook, this is for you.