Brightcove have featured my team’s work on their blog again: Redefining the Fan Experience: Mi9 Teams with Brightcove. It includes the video demo I shot for them last year.
The title there is actually what Josh said when he watched the video!
Brightcove have featured my team’s work on their blog again: Redefining the Fan Experience: Mi9 Teams with Brightcove. It includes the video demo I shot for them last year.
The title there is actually what Josh said when he watched the video!
It’s the best time of year again, when all the clean-shaven, baby-faced boys start growing out their glorious ‘taches in support of charity. Mr Snook got started a day late due to Halloween, but he’s already at the “scruffy lookin’ nerf herder” phase. If you’d like to donate, his Movember page is here.
I’m very happy to announce that I successfully completed Frocktober 2014 wearing a different dress* every single day of the month. That’s crazy. A few years ago, I wouldn’t have had more than a handful of frocks in total! Some are bought new; some are secondhand finds; and more than a few were actually made by me. I’m actually really proud of that! Not to mention that fact that so far my supporters have donated more than $800 towards ovarian cancer research. Thank you so much! YOU GUYS ROCK.
* Yeah, yeah. One day was a skirt. But I balanced that out with a Protect Your Privates OCRF t-shirt, so I’m counting it!
Lay Off the Artisanal Ice, You Ignorant Hipsters | Mother Jones – Here’s where I admit I actually spent time at Peter’s of Kensington last weekend looking for a kit or mold to make giant artisanal ice for the Snook’s Negronis. (Didn’t find one.)
G’Day, Australia – The Primal Hotbed – Wow, Mark Sisson is headlining the THR1VE.Me Primal conference in Sydney in March. I’m almost kind of tempted. I’ve fallen off the paleo/primal wagon so many times in the past few years, but I still recognise that it’s the best way of eating for my body. Can I justify $795 though?
Poll: How Weird Are Your Bathroom Habits As A Couple – Evidently we fall more in the prudish end of the spectrum. I am 100% okay with that.
Candy Corn Recipe : Alton Brown : Food Network – Alton Brown – YOU CRAZY.
Ikea hopes its new motorized standing desk will get you out of your chair | The Verge – Cool. We’re moving desks tomorrow. I wonder if I can somehow rig up a standing desk…