A complete list of every president’s favorite drink | New York Post – I think we need to work our way through this complete list, Mr. Snook. Preferably while playing True American.
Category: Uncategorized
Steve Wozniak accepts adjunct professorship at UTS | UTS News Room – Hey, that’s cool! I wonder if our team’s UTS intern Bec can help me meet him. ๐
Fitbit, I am disappoint.
This is the Fitbit Surge, a $250 ‘superwatch’ with built-in GPS | The Verge – Yesterday I spoke with two other disenchanted Fitbit customers, upset that they are refusing to integrate with HealthKit. It’s really disappointing. I was onboard the Fitbit evangelism love train last year, but I also really, really hate walled gardens. I think they’re going to lose more customers than they gain over this.
Still a little bitter.
Florida State’s Jameis Winston Performs Admirably Under Scrutiny, at Least on the Field – NYTimes.com – I found it enormously telling that when Winston and his coach met on the field immediately after the game, the microphones picked up the coach’s repeated admonishments: “Be humble. Be HUMBLE.” You don’t normally have to remind non-jackasses to be humble.
Camp Creative
Ten years ago, I went to a five day summer craft camp called Camp Creative with my mother-in-law. I’ve been on the email newsletter list ever since. I just happened to look at this year’s classes… and I’m BLOWN AWAY. So many potential zombie apocalypse training courses!
- Build a canoe
- Bush furniture making
- Make a pair of desert boots
- Metalwork – make a BBQ pig/camp oven
- Learn to play the harp
Okay, maybe not that last one. But still. Don’t you think the rag-tag bunch of survivors rebuilding humanity might like to listen to some harp music each night?
Tasmanian Devil – The New Yorker – An article about David Walsh, the weird, weird guy behind the creation of the Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart, Tasmania. We’re going there next month. (It has a poop machine.)
Fake deaths, cheap resurrections, and dealing with real grief รยท For Our Consideration รยท The A.V. Club – Surprisingly emotional piece from the AV Club.
Just reminding folks that Frocktober isn’t just a fun hashtag – it’s actually raising money for a really great cause. If you’d like to donate to ovarian cancer research, my fundraiser page is here.
Good grief.
Quinnspiracy / What To Expect When You’re Expecting (the internet to ruin your life) – “Try and remember if there’s any places you have accounts for that you might have forgotten. For example, they got into a dominos.com account I had made and forgot about to try and send someone a pizza. It can be especially damaging if that account is automatically set up to charge any of your accounts.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
Help me get my almond fix – dessert recipe | Ask MetaFilter – Mr. Snook, I think this is relevant to your interests.