Firstborn children really do excel, reveals groundbreaking study | Life | The Guardian – Ahem.
Category: Uncategorized
How to Get “Unstuck” | Mark’s Daily Apple
How to Get “Unstuck” | Mark’s Daily Apple – Bookmarking for when I get back to my normal routine.
Jim Koch Taught Me How to Drink All Night But Never Get Drunk – Esquire
Jim Koch Taught Me How to Drink All Night But Never Get Drunk – Esquire – This is interesting. I wonder if eating all that yeast has any negative repercussions on your digestive system.
Competitive people pleaser seeks self-identity. – career job achiever | Ask MetaFilter
Competitive people pleaser seeks self-identity. – career job achiever | Ask MetaFilter – Apparently my sub-conscious is posting MeFi questions while I’m asleep.
Roald Dahl Fans share their Charlie covers
Roald Dahl Fans share their Charlie covers – Hey, look! That’s me on the official Roald Dahl site. 🙂
Hall of Heroes Museum, Elkhart, Indiana
Hall of Heroes Museum, Elkhart, Indiana – WHAT. There’s a super hero museum in Elkhart? And they have Ralph’s ACTUAL suit from Greatest American Hero?! How did we not know this?! This is definitely going on the itinerary for our next trip.
Make It Sew! Ribbon Box Quilt | Cloud9 Fabrics
Make It Sew! Ribbon Box Quilt | Cloud9 Fabrics – Wow, this is pretty.
‘Heathers’: An oral history | Inside Movies |
‘Heathers’: An oral history | Inside Movies | – As far as I’m concerned, this wins the Internet so far in 2014. Love it. (And how funny that they make fun of Doherty throughout! HA!)
HOLY CRAP. I was just sitting at the dining room table and heard an auctioneer’s voice floating in from the street. Turns out one of the apartments across the street from us was for sale. I heard him call $840,000 as I went outside. My jaw dropped. In 2 minutes it was up over a million. Ended up going for $1,099,000! Another lady on the street was pumping her fist. “Was it your place?” I said, incredulous. “No! But I own a house in this neighbourhood!” Me: “ME TOO!” High fives all around.
(Yes, yes. The inner Sydney housing bubble is ridiculous. Totally agree. But hey, that random lady and I had a fun couple of minutes thinking about being paper millionaires.)