6 Healthy Habits To Teach Kids Who Worry Too Much | Daniel B. Peters, Ph.D. – I know this list is for kids, but frankly, all of this advice is equally applicable to me as a grown-up.
Category: Uncategorized
First look at the new ‘Flowers in the Attic’ | Inside TV | EW.com
First look at the new ‘Flowers in the Attic’ | Inside TV | EW.com – Whoa. I remember reading the book in 7th grade, and I’ve caught bits of the original movie over the years. This looks AWESOME.
Revenge for Victor Borge | MetaFilter
Revenge for Victor Borge | MetaFilter – Phwoar. The Snook introduced me to Tom Lehrer many years ago, but I never realised he was such a hot Jeff Goldblum-type!
Maple Leaf Knit Shawl
Maple Leaf Knit Shawl – Wow. I mean, I hate lace and I’m not Canadian, but that is BEAUTIFUL.
‘Tis and 10 Other Fun Proclitic Words | Mental Floss
‘Tis and 10 Other Fun Proclitic Words | Mental Floss – Fun. And now I have “‘Swonderful” stuck in my head!
Clueless Party Scene Oral History — Vulture
Clueless Party Scene Oral History — Vulture – This is so great. Clueless was a surprisingly important element of my college experience. I love the argument between Faison and Heckerling over who wrote “Because I’m keepin’ it real!” And Coolio getting “white-boy wasted” at the premiere.
Bolo de Fuba – Brazilian Cornmeal Cake
Bolo de Fuba – Brazilian Cornmeal Cake – Just bookmarking this lovely cake that my Brazilian co-worker brought in today. It’s like cornbread but lighter and sweeter!
No Old Maps Actually Say ‘Here Be Dragons’
No Old Maps Actually Say ‘Here Be Dragons’ – I am both somewhat disappointed that it’s mostly made-up, and also somewhat charmed that it actually existed at all.