Category: Uncategorized

  • This is my first official Blogger-less post! The archive listing page and the last five comments functionality are currently disabled, but everything else should be up and running. The comments system now works a bit differently, in that each post has its own page where comments are added and recorded. Try and it and let me know what you think!

  • I know I’ve said this a hundred times before, but this is my last post before implementing the new Blogger-less system tonight. I think it’s ready, folks! Seriously.

  • This Salon article “Old and in the family way” talks about the “quality of life” issues associated with having a baby late in life. It’s an interesting read. I know I would definitely want to have my own life and career before settling down to raise kids, but do I really want to be 55 and running after a teenager? Also, the author neglects to talk about a situation I’m currently experiencing: that of the parent who had kids at a young age, and is now adding to the family again 25 years later. How old are your parents/kids? Would you have preferred it differently?

  • What a gorgeous day in London! Actually this is the third beautiful day we’ve had in a row. That can mean only one thing: this coming three-day holiday weekend is going to be miserable. But until then I’m just enjoying the sunshine and warm temperatures. Snookums and I had lunch in the park on Monday, slurping on Icee-Pops (actually they were called “Space Alien Sabres”) bought from the newsagent and acting like 8-year-olds. *sigh* London summer almost makes up for London winter. Almost.
    Check out these webcam views and see for yourself:

    Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament       Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery       Cafe in Soho       Millennium Wheel on the Thames
  • Which reminds me, I also updated the code for my comment system. You only need to download the fix if you’re using the last five comments functionality.

  • I got a nice e-mail this morning from Mick, the webmaster of He’s implementing my poll system and found a bug. I’ve updated the source code at my site, so if you’re trying to use my system, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got the fixed version. Thanks Mick!

  • Apple: the only cult it’s cool to join. 🙂

  • So yeah, Snookums and I saw “The Mummy Returns” last Friday. It sucked. I thought that the fighting was good, but the effects were crap and it wasn’t funny at all. I wanted to see more stuff like when Brendan Fraser scared off the Mummy with a cat. And where John Hannah joined the zombies and started chanting “Imhotep…” This movie didn’t have any of that. Don’t even get me started on “The Rock”, either. His part was about five minutes long and I certainly wasn’t very impressed. And the whole bit with him as the Scorpion King at the end featured the worst CGI work I’ve seen since “Tron”. It looked like a video game! And lastly, I couldn’t decide if Brendan Fraser’s ass was supposed to be that big (as a kind of a joke, since his character had been married for nine years or whatever), or whether he’s just chunked up. I vote for “chunked up.”

  • Chris Cornell, the former singer from Soundgarden, has officially joined Rage Against the Machine. Very cool. I remember when Cornell finally cut off his long head-banger hair back in the 90’s. It was like, “Wow! He’s pretty hot. When did that happen?”

  • Nick is gone!UK Survivor: You know, for the past year I’ve been following Survivor through the sites of rabid American fans without ever experiencing it for myself. Last night all that changed, and all I can say is WOW. I’m hooked!

    Some thoughts from the first episode:

    • Much like Big Brother, the UK version seems to be aiming for a slightly more high-brow approach than the US show. They’re making it out like more of an anthropological experiment than a reality show cheese fest. Nearly all of the contestants were over 30, and there was only one cutesy twenty-something hoochie-mama (“Charlotte”, who took a game of friggin’ TWISTER as her luxury item). There were several over 40, and nobody had that “token-old-person” look about them. In fact, the older people looked like the toughest.
    • They’re shooting it on Pulau Tiga, which I believe is the island they used on the first US series. The Tribal Council hut certainly looks like it’s been there a while. I have a feeling that they’re probably going to recycle a lot of the challenges as well. (They’re already advertising the bug-eating one for next week.) In a way it’s good though, because at least the producers know what to expect.
    • I also think that the UK competitors have studied up the American show. One guy on Ular, Nick, was like the spiritual son of Richard Hatch. He took command right away, designing the shelter and teaching people how to make fire. He even admitted that he was basing his strategy on the book “How to Make Friends and Influence People.” He broached an alliance on the second day, teaming up with Mick (this crusty old guy), Richard (a young guy), and Zoe (a tough chick). As Zoe put it, “I wasn’t going to be the one to instigate an alliance but I sure as hell was going to join it if I felt it was strong enough and I do.” As their tribe, Ular (which means “snake”), lost the first Immunity Challenge, they decided to vote off Jackie, who was pulling a Ramona and being sick all the time.
    • BUT WAIT! In a stunning upset, Zoe double-crossed Nick and voted for him along with the remaining four people. With 5 votes to 3, Nick was out! The favorite is gone. I couldn’t believe it. As Snookums pointed out though, “He built the shelter… Now he’s outlived his usefulness. He was too dangerous.” They showed Zoe’s vote at the end of the show, and her only comment was: “Sorry mate, you took a little too much too early. You were weaving quite a tangled web. Don’t trust anybody.”
    • Funniest moment: Uzma running around in the dark yelling for people to help her find the “Kerolene” for the fire. What an idiot.

    P.S. I completely ripped off Max’s idea of posting the crossed-out picture of this week’s departing contestant. Visit his site for all your US Survivor needs. 🙂