Belinda Carlisle of The Go-Go’s, who I used to idolize in elementary school because she was a pop star and she wore glasses, will be appearing in Playboy. I hereby rescind my respect.
Category: Uncategorized
Badge of Failure
I went. I really did. They denied me. Apparently little “Reena” failed to mention during my tour that when they say they close at 11:00, really that means they close down the facilities at 10:30, and they pretty much stop letting people in at 9:45. So I got the shaft.
In addition to said shaft, I also got my wonderful new picture ID. Isn’t it the worst photo ever? She was holding the camera, like, at my waist. And I’m wondering, “Isn’t that an odd angle to be taking–?” *click* “Okay, nevermind.” So look at me. I look like André the Giant. I look like Mount Kristuvius. I look like a giant redwood. Curse you Holmes Place. -
I’m going to the health club tonight. Oh yes, as God is my witness, I’m going to the health club tonight.
Britney backs Labour. I guess this settles the question of who Snookums is going to vote for. *grin* (Yeah, he gets to vote since he’s a “colonial”, as Nick puts it. I’m reduced to being a spectator thanks to that pesky Declaration of Independence.)
A divorce lawyer in London is advertising his services with posters that read “Ditch the bitch”. His wife said the posters, including one of a woman sobbing on a bed under the headline “all men are bastards”, were funny “in a Bridget Jones sort of way”. The managing director of the advertising agency that devised the campaign said it was unlikely women would be offended “because they don’t go into men’s toilets”.
I’m only going to remark that that’s a really crap defense of something offensive and derogatory. Our (women-only) dorm at college decided to stop putting the “Hottie of the Week” in our dorm newsletter (which was only hung in the women’s restroom) because we felt that we wouldn’t want our fellow male students objectifying women in their dorms, whether we saw it or not. I guess our faith in some segments of the male gender was unfounded. I hope both he and the lawyer get a zillion complaints. -
Hahaha… I can really, really picture this being my sister and I in five years.
Ahh, trust CNN to really tabloidize something very personal: “REM’s Stipe: I’m a ‘queer artist’”. What sensationalist jerks.
Mavis Beacon
Feeling it was time for a little ego-boost, I just took this Typing Speed Test. I did it three times and got 86, 94, and 93 wpm. Didn’t have any errors, mostly because as soon as I make them I back up and correct them. It’s an ingrained habit. I suck at sports, but I rule at typing. Yeah, baby! (Link courtesy of Fresh-Hell.)
New Poll: In honor of the argument I’ve been having with my friend Kelly for the past half hour, the new poll asks which band is better, R.E.M. or U2? (I think you know which I voted for.) I look at this sorta like the Beatles/Elvis theory that got cut from “Pulp Fiction.” It’s impossible to like them both the same amount, so you gotta pick one that you like more. Which is it gonna be? And be sure to leave your comments so the argument can continue.
Results from the old poll: Oddly enough, it spread out in a reverse bell curve, meaning that most people either read no weblogs each day or else tons of blogs. At least I’m not alone in my obsession. -
Hey, Steve – great idea! Now why don’t you open one in London? Pretty please? I’m tired of going to the Virgin Megastore and finding a measly eight Mac games crammed in the corner next to five hundred PC titles.