Sarah Ryan, a current Weasel, responds to that Observer story about excessive parietal punishments.
Category: Uncategorized
Blogging on the company dime
Yes, I’ve removed the time stamps on my posts. Can you guess why?
Tap Dogs
Snookums and I went to see Tap Dogs last night. It was awesome. Six sexy Aussie guys in combat boots and Levi’s “tap, stomp, jump and splash their way through an energetic array of raunchy dance routines.” My favorite part was when they each had a drum pad in front of them and they danced on it to create a full rock rhythm drumline (bass, high hat, everything). The bit with the angle grinders and showers of sparks was damn sexy too. 🙂
Congrats, Ant!
Sorry for the lack of posts today. I’ve been in running around between offices for meetings. Ugh. All done now. *smile* And my mom just came through with the happy thought of the day: My younger brother Anthony was designed “Tuffy Muffler Player of the Game” at his high school basketball game last night. He had 16 points against our curséd rivals, the Panthers of Prairie Heights. Congrats, Antny!
Chastity Week
Um, apparently this week is Chastity Week at ND. There are soooo many things I could say about that, but I won’t.
Hooray! It took me about 40 hours but I finally managed to break 10,000 points on Level 2 of Bejeweled. (10,127 to be exact.) I couldn’t get those damn jewels out of my head all last night. I finally figured out the best strategy, though, which seems to be to work up from the bottom so you get maximum slidage and opportunity for combination moves.
There’s nothin’ like spending $1500 in the space of your lunch hour. But we got our tickets to Oz!
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
I know it’s commercial and I know it’s stupid, but this is seriously the first year in forever that I’ve had somebody I even wanted to celebrate it with. So be bitter if you must, but don’t rain on my parade. (And special thanks to my Grandpa, whose yearly Valentine always makes me remember that there’s at least one man I can always count on.)
Since I’m always the last to jump on the Meme Bandwagon, it’s taken me ages to get around to playing Bejeweled. Damn, is it ever addictive! I’ve been playing it for the last hour or so and I can’t even see straight. I’ll update you on my high score tomorrow, once I’ve gotten a little better at it.
Oscar nominations
Oscar nominations are up.
Immediate thoughts: I’m glad Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon cleaned up, but Wonder Boys got shafted big time. Damn. I love me some Tobey Maguire. I’m suffering from a case of severe Kate Hudson Backlash and I haven’t even seen the damn movie yet. She’s on the cover of every bloody magazine in London! Gladiator has got to be the most overrated film since Titanic. Yes, Russell Crowe was hot. But his swordplay didn’t even come close to Ewan McGregor’s in The Phantom Menace (which shall be my all-time standard for such things). And it even recycled the “revenge-your-dead-soulmate-while-still-hooking-up-with-the-royal-hottie” plotline that I loathed so much from Braveheart! I tried to watch Erin Brockovich on an airplane and it was just too damn boring. Yes, that’s right, I’d rather read the in-flight magazine for the 3rd time than watch plucky lawyer Julia jiggle her breasts for two hours. And what’s up with Soderbergh‘s double-nod? I guess Hollywood just loves to congratulate the sell-out. (Note to Steve: Re-watch sex lies and videotape, write something along those lines, and give James Spader a call. Please. Love, Kris)
Whew! I feel better now that I’ve got that off my chest. Now I’m off to Plastic to reproduce my rant on the inevitable post there. What fun!