Category: Uncategorized

  • I’m back! The weekend was great… I’ll put photos up as soon as I get ’em developed. And hey! Blogvoices is back! Check out my stylish new design.

  • BLOGVOICES IS BACK! That means that we can have our little discussions again! Just click on the little “discuss” link to join in the fun.

  • No more posts til Monday… I’m off to Paris and EuroDisney! Have a great weekend.

  • Kel just IMed me to let me know that the Progressive Student Alliance is coordinating a “Speak Out for Vaginas” soon. I only hope they know that the perfect Crotch Queen and Emcee is our very own Kelly McMahon. I mean, check that out! I’m sure she could perform some inspirational speeches in those pants! Alumni will be quaking in their boots.

    (Kel, consider this retribution for that little hacking incident a few weeks ago. Revenge is sweet.)

  • Which is which?This one’s for my sister Amy: The Very Best of Daryl Hall and John Oates was released this week! Come on, who doesn’t love “Maneater”? Although personally I think my favorite is “Kiss On My List.” (Because your kiss, your kiss is on my list…) As I was posting this though, I suddenly realized that I had no clue which is Hall and which is Oates. So I went to their official site,, and clicked all over the damn place. But it doesn’t say! It wasn’t until I found my way to a British fan club site that I found an interview with Daryl that solved my dilemma. He (Hall) was the white guy. I can sleep now.

  • Another Bar Bust! The South Bend Police Department raided Benchwarmer’s last night and busted 50-60 underage college students. My thoughts upon reading this article:

    1. Benchwarmer’s??? Who the hell goes to Benchwarmer’s? And furthermore, who goes to Benchwarmer’s on Wednesday night and stays out til 1 a.m.?
    2. The kid who said “I was just getting my groove on and they hit me on the dance floor” was definitely still drunk.
    3. Some students “express[ed] shock that two bars were raided in the same school year.” Well, duh. But what the hell did they expect? Did they think that the cops had already fulfilled their quota for this year?

    I’m probably supposed to feel all outraged that “The Man” is raining on our fun and all, but by senior year all the underage assholes just annoyed me. Yeah, sophomore year I used a fake a couple times, but I didn’t act like it was my friggin’ right. And for God’s sake, drink good beer in a decent bar! I can’t give respect to people who willingly drink American light beer (unless they’re tailgating Weasels).

  • A guy on campus admits he doesn’t get the whole vagina business.

  • Heh. Apparently there’s been some SMC resistance to hosting the Keenan Revue this year. When the director and producer found the BOG were reluctant to cooperate, they took it upon themselves to hand out 235 surveys to SMC Chicks. Cheeky buggers.

  • I’m sick of reporting on ND Basketball. This will be a sport-free day of posting!

  • I was reading Salon’s article on dotcom layoff horror stories and feeling pretty smug. I mean, I’m in a great company that pays me well and hasn’t done anything but grow and succeed for the entire time I’ve been there. Those poor people out in Silicon Valley, I thought. What waste and excess and screwups. And then I read the phrase: “a liberal arts major who got a groovy job just out of college and then lost it all of a sudden and gosh doesn’t that really suck.” And the smug feeling disappeared. That’s me. That could be me. I just happened to be very, very lucky with my choice. And the stories that follow are so… tragic. I don’t think that’s hyperbole. A lot of people define their lives by their jobs, and the way that they lost them was really ham-handed and brutal. There but for the grace of God…