As if I needed another reason to hate the Bushes… one of them is after Prince William. All I got to say is: Watch your back, beeatch.
Category: Uncategorized
Reform Jewish leaders in New York have urged parents to sever ties to the Boy Scouts. Good for them. I’d proud to say that the Girl Scouts have included sexual orientation in their non-discrimination clause for years. Brownies rule.
I don’t get this whole business about employing illegal aliens. I mean, do all wealthy/powerful people do this? Where do they find them? Both Chavez and Whitman claim that they were just being compassionate and helping them out… but, what, the people just showed up on the doorstep one day? Portuguese immigrants are roaming New Jersey looking for shelter and assistance? It all seems very dodgy. (Sidenote: What’s with Salon calling her “Christie Whitman”? I thought her name was “Christine Todd Whitman.” When a woman keeps her maiden name, she intends for you to use it.)
I like the idea of BlogVoices… but the current implementation is pissing me off. It’s slowing down the site too much, and I’m looking at it from a fast connection! Thus the “discuss” links are now dead. If you wanna talk, you gotta use the e-mail or IM.
Cool. Speaking of ND’s kickass women’s basketball team, Ruth Riley is keeping an online diary.
ND Basketball Update: Our women are ranked 3rd in the nation and won their 15th straight game against St. John’s Tuesday night. On the 15th, the Irish face number one ranked UConn.
Wow! Some woman in my home town delivered pot-laced brownies to firemen. I’m wondering how “ill” these firemen got, and what kind of hospital treatment was required. How many did they EAT?
Omens and portents
Yeah, so I missed the damn lunar eclipse. It was cloudy here, but I’m told you could still see it pretty well. Unfortunately I was sick as a dog and hurried home without even looking at the sky, thinking only of ibuprofen, a hot bath, and curling up in the fetal position. How very like me, to miss a semi-global event of mass significance because of personal issues (i.e. New Year’s Eve 1999).
I used to be all worried about the new Bridget Jones movie, because I really liked the book and I really hated Renee Zellweger. But based on the possible movie poster, I’d have to say things are looking good. She’s even wearing my boots! And that business about Harper’s Bazaar kicking her off the cover for being too fat both pleases and annoys me. It pleases me because apparently little Renee is embracing Bridget’s weight-loss battle, and it annoys me because a stupid magazine can’t see fit to put a woman “10 pounds overweight” on the cover. A lot of people wrote off Bridget Jones as vacuous, but the truth is I’d rather associate myself with that kind of feminism than what passes for it in popular culture. (Dear Lord, did I just DEFEND Renee Zellweger? What’s next, an ode to Jewel??)
Fametracker analyzes the balance of starpower in the Kate Hudson – Chris Robinson union. Best line: “When your husband owns more hair brushes and fine washables than you do, you know there’s going to be trouble.”