Good Food – Chefs start a hot cross bunfight – Awesome. We’ve got a reservation for The Duck Inn on Thursday night. I hope that Hot Cross Bun Lamb Burger is available! Mmmm, sacrilicious…
Category: Uncategorized
Pod People: Nespresso’s Push to Become High-End Restaurants’ Go-To Coffee — Grub Street New York
Pod People: Nespresso’s Push to Become High-End Restaurants’ Go-To Coffee — Grub Street New York – Today I learned that Heston Blumenthal serves Nespresso at the Fat Duck. *mind boggled* SERIOUSLY?
New Job
No longer in the trenches
Well, that didn’t take long, did it? Exactly two weeks after being made redundant, I have accepted an offer for the role of Technical Business Analyst at Commonwealth Bank. Thank you to everyone who offered job leads and referrals to me. I had several interviews and actually more than one job offer, so it was all very much appreciated and useful. I think CBA is going to be great. It’s my first big corporate job, and I’m sure there’s going to be some culture shock. (Their new offices in Darling Harbour look amazing though – seriously, up there with Google!) I know other BA’s that work there, and the training and support they offer seems incredible. This is going to be great for my career, I think. (And a nice fat raise doesn’t hurt either!)Anyway, I start in two weeks so that’s another fortnight of being a Lady of Leisure. I think I can manage that!
And that dream job possibility I mentioned before? It’s still there on the backburner. Could be a few months. A girl’s gotta have a dream…
A Baggins Bonsai Fit For a Pocket-Sized Hobbit
A Baggins Bonsai Fit For a Pocket-Sized Hobbit – Mr Snook has been talking about wanting to get into bonsai for years. I think he’ll like this one.
‘Q*bert’ and the video game marathoning trend in the aftermath of ‘The King of Kong’ – Grantland
‘Q*bert’ and the video game marathoning trend in the aftermath of ‘The King of Kong’ – Grantland – Great article. I never really like Q*bert. Something about the way the pyramid was skewed made it very difficult for me to control, and my Q*bert was forever leaping off to his doom.
Ian McKellan is about to marry Patrick Stewart
Ian McKellan is about to marry Patrick Stewart – Hahahahaha. “So essentially, Gandalf announced he was marrying Jean-Luc Picard while he was hanging out with the Doctor and Jon Snow. That sound you hear is the planet’s fan fic writers’ heads exploding simultaneously.”
The Future is Here! | A Heritage of Quality
The Future is Here! | A Heritage of Quality – Huh. So Morris & Sons are selling carbon fibre knitting needles! I love the idea, but the name “Karbonz” is just ridiculous.
‘There’s also a random guy that lives in our laundry’: man rents Newtown balcony for $215 a week
‘There’s also a random guy that lives in our laundry’: man rents Newtown balcony for $215 a week – I always suspected that Satomi Tiger was not actually satire.
The Feminist Housewife: Can Women Have It All by Choosing to Stay Home? — New York Magazine
The Feminist Housewife: Can Women Have It All by Choosing to Stay Home? — New York Magazine – I’ll be honest – this piece made my head explode with rage. I can appreciate how it would simplify a lot of people’s lives to have someone home to take care of the kids. And hey, as a kid I would have loved a Mom who was home to take care of stuff every day. I just resent the fact that this “choice” is really only there for the upper classes who can afford it. (“Low six figure income” is middle class?!) I resent that this “choice” seems to be taken up by the woman rather than the man 99.5% of the time. And I resent the fact that the author waited til the last paragraph to bring up the thing that was screaming through my brain the whole time: What happens after? What happens when the kids go to school, or the partner dies, or he leaves her when she’s old? Isn’t that why our mothers and grandmothers wanted us to have our own careers and bank balances, so we’re not out of options if the worst happens? Maybe I’m a pessimist for immediately jumping to the worst case scenario.
Or maybe it’s just the woman who named her kids Archer, Fable, Reverie, and Boheme. SERIOUSLY? I hope they all grow up to run an artisanal pickle company.
Edited to add: Okay, here are two responses that are much more reasonable than anything I could write. There’s Nothing Retro About the Retro Housewife If She Gets to Choose and Why the Opt Out Story Won’t Die. The lesson here is that stories like the first one are trolling, making everything out as black and white to get a rise out of fools like me. When in reality, most of us just do the best we can and don’t really reflect the extremes. I feel better now.
The Mechanics of the Pull-Up (and Why Women Can Absolutely Do Them) | Guest Blog, Scientific America
The Mechanics of the Pull-Up (and Why Women Can Absolutely Do Them) | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network – Pretty cool. I’d like to be able to do a pull-up. For now I’d settle for a decent squat. *sigh*