Month: December 2000

  • Dubya has a Weblog! The funniest thing about this is, the writing style kinda reminds me of Kelly McMahon. Especially the use of the word “coolio.”

  • Because I know some of you are, um, big fans of Summer Sanders… you should know that she may pose naked in Playboy.

  • Everybody together now: Who’s my nemesis? That’s right, Jewel. And stories like this just illustrate why. What an idiot.

  • So I was reading the Movie & TV News at the IMDB today and had the following thoughts:
     1. Dylan McDermott saved somebody from choking and then got projectile vomited upon? Man, that would suck.
     2. Kevin Costner is writing a Broadway musical? Okay, now I feel like projectile vomiting.

  • Wow! I never really liked Courtney Thorne-Smith, but I have a newfound respect for her after she admitted in this interview that she quit Ally McBeal because of the pressure to be thin. She describes starving herself before filming sex scenes so she’d look better. Jeez.

  • So a group of homosexuals sue the Boy Scouts because the BSA discriminates against gay troop leaders/members. And the BSA win, because they say they’re a private insituation (a la Notre Dame) and they have the right to include/exclude whoever they damn well please. So a bunch of school districts say, “Fine. Be that way. But if you’re private, you have to abide by the same rules as everybody else.” That means no free access to schools for meetings, no recruitment during school hours, etc. What is the BSA’s response? They’re suing the schools for discrimination. What idiots. (NOTE: Don’t fret, fellow Brownies. The Girl Scouts of America have long had sexuality in their non-discrimination clause, and lesbian troop leaders have been allowed for years. That’s why girls rule and boys drool.) 🙂

  • Ugh.

    Yeah, so we lost to I.U. Big whoop. I’d like to point out that Troy Murphy, our best player and the #2 high scorer in the country, sprained his ankle two days earlier. Not that I’m making excuses or anything.

  • Bob

    Bob Davie signs 5-year contract extension! Check out the news from Yahoo! and ESPN.

  • ND vs IU

    I’m a Hoosier, and I’d like nothing more than to see ND beat the pants off I.U. this week. At the same time, though, I almost don’t want I.U. to get their ass kicked all season, because I feel that will vindicate a lot of the people who think getting rid of Knight was a mistake. And I do think the man had some, uh, issues.

  • Efficiency = bad?!

    Sorry, Kel, but this Andersen Consulting guy who spoke at ND sounds like a real wanker. I mean, whose side is he on? He says that e-commerce hurts businesses by making the market more efficient. Should that be a goal? Shouldn’t we, as the world’s foremost example of capitalism, be striving to give consumers as much “perfect information” as possible? Why is it good that companies only survive because people are deliberately restricted from looking for competition? Obviously this guy’s on the side of the “fat, dumb and happy” retailers and not on the side of consumers.