Apparently every student who wants a Fiesta Bowl ticket will be able to buy one this week for $75. I’m impressed; I figured there’d be a lottery or something. There’s also information on the tailgater, pep rally, and travel accommodations if you’re interested.
Month: December 2000
England vs US
So the Observer’s all full of passionate letters about the possible ordination of women, and yet meanwhile here in England, a vicar returned to her pulpit after a sex change operation. Kickass. God, I’m happy to be here.
DISCUSSION TOPIC: We all listen to music at work/school. (Well, maybe not Lizzie, since she’s a teacher and all.) What’s your favorite song to play in the background while you get shit done? I’m gonna cast my vote here for “Islands in the Stream” by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. Don’t laugh! It always puts me in a contemplative, productive sort of mood.
Vote vote vote!
Tourney of Traditions Update: We’re currently losing to Texas A&M 58% to 42%. Vote, vote, vote!
Good luck, Urban
It appears that one of Notre Dame’s assistant coaches, Urban Meyer (what a name!), has been hired to coach at Bowling Green. Bob wishes him good luck.
Salon ran a contest that asked readers to submit first-person accounts of their dreams about celebrities. Hey Lizzie! You shoulda written up that Brad Pitt one! 🙂
Dorm Wars
Remember when they did “Dorm Wars” in the Keenan Revue and PW appeared as a Purple Wookie? This article about the long lost Star Wars Christmas Special reminded me of that.
The Simpsons
The 50 Greatest Moments in Simpsons History. Dig the screenshots too. 🙂
Dawson + MBTV
What’s the greatest thing in the world? Downloading new episodes of Dawson’s Creek and watching them at your desk. And then going to Mighty Big TV and reading the hilariously snarky reviews.
The verdict
The University hands out its punishment for the “Finnigan’s incident”: $100 fines charged to the students’ accounts.