Month: December 2000
Tournament of Traditions
You know that whole “Tournament of Traditions” thing? I hate to go on and on about it, but we won last week by a mere 260 votes! In other words, the Weasels who voted played a very big part in our success. This is the final week of the contest, and ND’s up against Texas A&M’s “12th Man”. Please take the time to vote as often as you can!
Tournament of Traditions Update: ND is still winning, but only 50.1% to 49.8%! (That doesn’t add up right, but that’s what they said!) GO VOTE NOW!
Brent Musburger from ABC is predicting that ND will face Virginia Tech in the Fiesta Bowl. Sweet.
See, Ironminds is this online magazine that I like, and every now and then they do these funny stories where they just ask all the writers the same question. This time it was, “What was the first album or piece of piece of music that really stirred you?” The resulting story made me laugh and laugh. (I especially enjoyed the person who took the time to transcribe the lyrics from the first six songs of Vanilla Ice’s “To the Extreme.”) Read and enjoy, friends.
This cracks me up. O.J. sounds off on Florida ballot convoy. I’d say “Who cares?” if it wasn’t so damn funny.
Another book for Brit
“Britney Spears, mom to pen book.” At this rate it’ll be possible to have an entire Britney Library before she’s friggin’ 21!
Of course.
Just so you don’t get freaked out, that *is* Kelly McMahon logging in as all the random people and leaving compliments about herself. 🙂