A guy on campus admits he doesn’t get the whole vagina business.
Month: January 2001
Heh. Apparently there’s been some SMC resistance to hosting the Keenan Revue this year. When the director and producer found the BOG were reluctant to cooperate, they took it upon themselves to hand out 235 surveys to SMC Chicks. Cheeky buggers.
I’m sick of reporting on ND Basketball. This will be a sport-free day of posting!
I was reading Salon’s article on dotcom layoff horror stories and feeling pretty smug. I mean, I’m in a great company that pays me well and hasn’t done anything but grow and succeed for the entire time I’ve been there. Those poor people out in Silicon Valley, I thought. What waste and excess and screwups. And then I read the phrase: “a liberal arts major who got a groovy job just out of college and then lost it all of a sudden and gosh doesn’t that really suck.” And the smug feeling disappeared. That’s me. That could be me. I just happened to be very, very lucky with my choice. And the stories that follow are so… tragic. I don’t think that’s hyperbole. A lot of people define their lives by their jobs, and the way that they lost them was really ham-handed and brutal. There but for the grace of God…
More juvenile fun at Bush’s expense apparently when you type “dumb motherf***er” into Google, you get a (legitimate) site about Dubya!
Yay! New Dawson’s Creek recap at MBTV! Not one of my favorite episodes ever, but I did laugh when Doug said, “I loooove chipped beef on toast.” And even though Pacey didn’t get nekkid, he still looked sufficiently tortured that the fan fic writers should have some good material to work with. (Yes, I know the show sucks. That’s why I watch it. Don’t bother e-mailing to tell me why.)
Sorry about the lack of posts today. Er, yesterday. Whatever. It was a time of crazy working-ness. (Can you tell I’m at work til 1 a.m.?) Here’s a great time killer for when you’ve read all the PaceyPorn and you’re still waiting for some content you need: Martin’s Java Applet Anagram Generator. I found out that my name is an anagram for “Danish I.T. Worker.” Huh. Danes must work their ass off.
Heh. More details are emerging in the case of the stolen W’s… At least one was found in the bathroom. I laughed like a 10-year-old when I read that.
ESPN reports that the West Virginia spitter has apologized and left the team. They’ve got some funny quotes from WV students who’re worried that he made them look bad. “We’re already considered to be rednecks and drunks anyways, then he goes and acts like a redneck,” said Dutch Underwood, a freshman from Summersville, W.Va. There’s also some concern about whether “the bad blood between the schools could resurface” when our women’s team plays them tonight.
The ND Men’s Basketball team beat #8 Syracuse 74-60 last night. Troy Murphy had 34 points… Damn.