EXCELLENT! I posted that bit about “The Vagina Monologues” too soon. In the Viewpoint section of the paper, Colleen McCarthy has an excellent and scathing piece entitled, “Can You Say Vagina?” She even uses the phrase “vagina prohibition”, which has to be some sort of record on our campus. Sweet.
Month: January 2001
The Observer has a nice article about Ruth Riley seeing the #1 up on top of Grace.
Apparently a performance of “The Vagina Monologues” was staged at SMC last year, and it was so controversial that it’s been banned from being performed this year. Supporters say that it created more positive discussion on women’s sexuality than anything they’ve experienced in college, and opponents claim that “issues of lesbianism and explicit discussions of sexuality” aren’t appropriate for a Catholic school. *sigh* That’s right idiots. Because it’s always better to ignore and deny reality than to educate and inform.
Semi-good news… BlogVoices, who provided us with our discussion system, might have somebody else lined up to take over the service. If that’s the case, we should be back up and running very soon. I’m still looking for alternatives though, so fear not, Sex Camels. 🙂
We had a gas leak at work last night and to evacuate the building! It was fun. They had it fixed within two hours, but it still made me feel like I was in a TV movie. I had a little fantasy about arriving at work this morning and turning the corner to find a smoking crater, but alas everything here is buzzing along like usual.
is there a Vanna in the house?: i know i’m jumping on the ‘blogwagon again with this one, but you have to hand it to ’emthis was a pretty good prank to play on Dubya’s new drones. (Posted by Brigita.)
Attention BlogVoices Users: The service is shutting down permanently. *sniff* And right after I reinstated it! Do you know of any other similar services I could use? Let me know.
ATTENTION SEX CAMELS! Unfortunately BlogVoices, who provided us with our fun little discussion area, is closing permanently. I’m looking for an alternative solution right now. Stay tuned for further details!
New song I’m obsessed with: “Sitting Down Here” by Lene Marlin, an 18-year-old Norwegian girl. Great voice, nice poppy melody, and a sort of almost country twang to it, if you can believe it. And it’s got lyrics that are fun to sing. British radio is great.
If you’re interested in Sundance or independent film at all, you should check out Roger Ebert’s dispatches from the Festival. His latest, relating a confusing encounter with Daphne Zuniga while under the influence of horseradish cream, is not to be missed.