Are you a Simpsons fan? Are you dating one?
My Snookums is a big fan of the show, and I reeeeally wanted to get him a “I Choo-Choo-Choose You” card for Valentine’s Day. (Lisa gave one to Ralph Wiggum in a memorable episode.) Unfortunately I couldn’t find one anywhere on the Net, let alone a frame grab so I could draw my own. Frustrated, I posted a plea for help on Lo and behold, somebody came through! So I took the frame, enlarged it, straightened it out, and set to work cleaning it up. I even removed Ralph’s chubby fingers. Click on the link to see the result! It fits on a normal sheet of paper, and I figured I’d have Kinko’s print it on a big sheet of nice stock so I could fold it over into a card. Feel free to print it out and give it to your honey, but if you post it on your site please toss a link back my way.IMPORTANT NOTICE! Despite my asking them not to, people have repeatedly been stealing my bandwidth and placing this image directly on their sites. Let me explain. I have no problem whatsoever with you making a link like this: <a href=”″>. In fact, thanks for that! That’s great. I also have no problem with you right-clicking on the image, saving it to your hard drive, uploading it to your own web space, and embedding it in your web page. Fine with me. What I do have a problem with is this: <img src=””>. When you do that, I have to pay for the extra bandwidth. This is theft. I’m sorry to be so harsh, but this is the third time I’ve asked people to stop and they’re still doing it. I’ve changed the name of the image several times now and it doesn’t appear to dissuade them. If it doesn’t stop, I’ll seriously consider taking the image down permanently.
Geez, you try and do something nice for the Internet…
FURTHER UPDATE: People are still being assholes. The big image is now being provided as a zip file, which means they can’t source it directly. You’re still welcome to use it on your site as long as you save it to your own server. Thanks!