Month: February 2001

  • Hooray! User Friendly finally mocks that “All Your Base” crap. I knew I wasn’t alone in my backlash. 🙂


  • According to the Environics 3SC Survey (which I found on /usr/bin/girl), I’m an Autonomous Post-materialist. I agree with the motivations (personal autonomy and self-fulfillment) and key values (freedom, spontaneity) it lists for me, but not the icons. Dennis Rodman? As if. I do quote Eric Cartman quite a lot, though. “I’m, like, up myah, and you…


  • Beware the Ides of March! In a completely blatant and non-subtle ploy for commercial gratification, I added my birthdate and links to my Amazon UK and Amazon US Wishlists to the left-hand column. That’s right, folks, in just over two weeks yours truly crosses the threshold to 24. (What a boring number.) I’ll still be…


  • Roger Ebert’s got a new Movie Answer Man column up. Topics covered include Hannibal, Gladiator, and various Academy Award nominees.


  • R.I.P. Etoys. All you scavengers should dig in before everything’s gone.


  • Matthew Perry’s in rehab again (scroll down). No mention of where or why. Poor Chandler.


  • The beef situation just keeps getting worse over here. Now there’s an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. It really is quite dramatic, with analysts showing maps predicting the spread of the disease and newscasts full of footage of burning animal carcasses. It’s like a bovine version of The Stand or something.


  • Wow! It was a banner day for disturbing search requests here at w-g. People visited this site yesterday looking for: “ugly tough dirty mean bad“, “UK mouthwash“, “where to find prostitutes,” “theology text messaging“, and “oh my goddess buddy icons“. Gee, I hope they didn’t find my site too disappointing. 🙂


  • Matt linked to an interesting article about obituaries today. Coincidentally, my sister types up the obits for the News-Sentinel in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She wrote a poem called “The Obituary Writer” about the thoughts she has when summarizing somebody’s life. It’s pretty good.


  • More R.E.M. news is revealed. (Links courtesy of Ghost in the Machine.)
