Month: May 2001

  • R.E.M. Wierdness: This is so odd. Last night Nick tried to tell me that Michael Stipe came out and announced he was gay. He claims he heard it on the radio. I scoffed and told him that he shouldn’t believe it, because people have been questioning Stipe’s sexuality for years and he’s always said that…


  • R.E.M. News: (I actually wrote this Monday afternoon, but Blogger problems… yada yada yada. When I say “tomorrow”, I actually mean “Tuesday.”) So everybody knows that the new R.E.M. album is supposed to come out tomorrow, right? I decided to look online this morning to see if any of the record stores near me would…


  • “You can get a condom over your head if you want to.” Uh, I’ll take her word for it.


  • How do you write a “news” article about a rumor nobody wants to utter? You write about the denial.


  • I’m a sucker for headlines like this: “Smugglers recipe for smoked monkey meat”.


  • Who in the world is going to go to a Dracula theme park? I can see the marketing slogan now: “The Goth-est Place on Earth!”


  • I love the French

    I love the French. They’ve gotten themselves so worked up over a new “Big Brother”-type show that 80 protestors stormed the site and tried to “liberate” the contestants. They were pushed back by security guards with tear gas. See? In America we just bitch about crap television, but Europeans actually stage revolutions.


  • Ashley Wilkes and Rhett Butler gettin’ it on? Now that’s a book I’d like to read. (Link courtesy of


  • WHOA! They’re gonna make red Mountain Dew? I gotta try me some of this when I go home in a few weeks…


  • Douglas Adams is dead. *stunned*
