Month: May 2001

  • Feeling it was time for a little ego-boost, I just took this Typing Speed Test. I did it three times and got 86, 94, and 93 wpm. Didn’t have any errors, mostly because as soon as I make them I back up and correct them. It’s an ingrained habit. I suck at sports, but I…


  • New Poll: In honor of the argument I’ve been having with my friend Kelly for the past half hour, the new poll asks which band is better, R.E.M. or U2? (I think you know which I voted for.) I look at this sorta like the Beatles/Elvis theory that got cut from “Pulp Fiction.” It’s impossible…


  • Hey, Steve – great idea! Now why don’t you open one in London? Pretty please? I’m tired of going to the Virgin Megastore and finding a measly eight Mac games crammed in the corner next to five hundred PC titles.


  • Oh. My God. Okay, so for a while now I’ve been trying to discover the name of a TV show I used to watch back in the 80’s. It was about a kid and somebody else that travelled through time fixing things (sorta like “Quantam Leap”, but with famous historical incidents). In particular, I remember…


  • Still listening to “Reveal.” I think now that I like “I’ve Been High” best of all. When I first heard it, it just sorta went on in the background and I didn’t feel strongly about it either way. The more I hear it though, the happier it makes me. It’s a quiet song, but I…


  • Britney is going to star in a video game. Which is cool and all, but the press release goes on to mention that she’ll be joining “the ranks of Michael Jackson, the Spice Girls, Kiss and Aerosmith, each of whom have featured in computer games”. Can anyone name any of the games these people were…


  • The Art of the Mix is a site that immediately made me think of Max. It’s devoted to the art of making mix tapes and hosts an archive of over 9,000 mixes made by music lovers around the world. I haven’t made a mix tape in ages. I could never get the technical aspects of…


  • Roger Ebert weighs in on the first half of Cannes. Hey, brigita, he kinda rips on Ethan Hawke’s “Chelsea Walls.” Heh.


  • A recent discussion on the Mac couch: Snookums: haha. It would be a bit hard on your arseMe: Somebody commented that it would look sweet with Happy/Sad pillows like the Mac startup screen.Snookums: now, if they were all up and running it might be better — then it would be warm and have a pleasant…


  • I found it! TIME Magazine was the culprit. In the very last paragraph of this story, he mentions that he’s been living with a man for three years and that he now describes himself as a “queer artist.” I’m not as upset as I was. TIME’s story isn’t called “Michael Stipe is GAY!”, and the admission…
