Month: June 2001

  • I’m finding tons of interesting stuff online today. For instance, ever wonder about ramen noodles? Like, how are they made? Is it just one long noodle? Are they really that bad for you? This article has it all. And another thing: is the Counting Crows song “Mr. Jones” really about Adam Duritz’s penis? Enquiring minds want to know.

  • Looks like Peter Buck’s back in town to face those air rage charges.

  • I would’ve thought Roger Ebert would’ve had more to say about that whole Phantom Edit thing. I mean, as a Star Wars fan myself I wish the film had been better. But as a film student, I don’t like the idea that we can just cut up somebody else’s work because we didn’t agree with it.

  • Salon also has an interview today with the horse from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That’s right, the non-existent horse. Really it’s just a pair of coconut shell halves that they banged together. But you knew that.

  • Those Duct Tape promgoers from my high school were mentioned on Salon! (They had the red, white, and silver ensembles.)

  • Dream job

    Just this morning Snookums and I were discussing my dream job, which is basically to get paid for surfing and writing about the ‘Net. We agreed that I might have a chance writing for a newspaper or television show, but that I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting paid for online content. So I just keep doing what I’ve been doing: working for The Man during the day, and doing my own stuff whenever I get a chance. It beats being homeless. John Scalzi agrees with me. (Again, link courtesy of John.)

  • R.E.M. vs U2

    Ha! The next time I get in another REM versus U2 battle, I’m gonna whip out this little story. The Metafilter comments are pretty good too. My favorite: “Good luck, U2. They jumped the shark long ago, with the lame Batman movie song they did.” Word. (Links courtesy of John.)

  • Hmmm. A UK movie review site has images of the knut, sickle, and galleon coins produced for the upcoming “Harry Potter” movie. They’re cool… but isn’t one of them supposed to be triangular? I seem to remember that from the books.

  • “Call to drug test women at work.” Ooh, that pisses me off. Since when is my private life my employer’s business? (And it’s not really random if they’re singling out women, is it?)

  • Sorry for the dead air lately. I got caught in the two-day training session from hell on Friday and Saturday. (What did I learn, you ask? A little about XML and UML, and a whole bunch of touchy-feely crap about communicating effectively.) Sunday me, Snookums, and Nick made a big roast chicken dinner for ourselves and then watched another three episodes of the Buffy Season 1 DVD. (I’m going to buy us the Season 2 box set this week when our new DVD player arrives!) So the weekend had its high points and its low points…