Depressing. According to this, I am “histrionic, avoidant, narcissistic, and obsessive-compulsive.” What a wonderful way to start the week.

Hooray! Max is back from holiday. Happy belated birthday to Mr. Plow! (Twenty-nine’s a good age. My grandma’s been stuck on it for about 45 years.)

Hey, Meg, I ran into some friends of yours at the Wheatus concert last night. Yeah, it was the “oi-OI!” girls. They were everywhere and they were damn annoying.

Alice Randall, while visiting the Margaret Mitchell Museum in Atlanta: “I think traditional fans of ‘Gone With The Wind’ are angry and irritated by ‘The Wind Done Gone’ but I didn’t write ‘The Wind Done Gone’ for fans of ‘Gone With The Wind,’ she said. “I wrote ‘The Wind Done Gone’ for black women who have been damaged by ‘Gone With The Wind’ and for white men who can take a critical look at themselves. Oh, and also to really piss off Kris Howard.”
Okay, so I made that last bit up.

Not many posts today… I was possessed of some serious coding fervor and attacked my Roald Dahl site. You won’t see the changes just yet, but they’re coming. I’m really happy with how it’s going. The site is going to rock when I’m finished.