I am Cuddly Smurf. Awww, isn’t that special? (Link courtesy of Kitty Noir.)
Update: Why didn’t anyone alert me to my typo? It read “Cuddy Smurf” for hours.
I am Cuddly Smurf. Awww, isn’t that special? (Link courtesy of Kitty Noir.)
Update: Why didn’t anyone alert me to my typo? It read “Cuddy Smurf” for hours.
A-ha! Finally, proof of what I’ve always suspected: English people are wrong with that whole “orientate” business. It drives me up the wall when I hear somebody say it. I’m like, “It’s “orient,” people. Quit cramming in extra syllables.”
The Bangles are coming! The Bangles are coming! And I just got tickets.
What a glorious day! As I was about to leave for work, I looked down and noticed that a new menu had been shoved through our mailslot: Papa John’s! Yeah, yeah, globalization is bad and all, but I love me some Papa. It’s cheap, it comes with garlic sauce, and it leaves a distinctive smell in your dorm room for days. And check out their website. I love how they’re all tryin’ to explain to the British what you get with your pizza (the aforementioned magic garlic dipping sauce and pepperoncinis). Damn. I know what I’m havin’ for dinner tonight!
Anyone who says “You love me” as an “all-purpose, anytime phrase… a greeting, a goodbye, or just something to throw into a pause in the coversation or to interject loudly while someone is speaking” is certifiably nuts. Exhaustion my ass. (Link courtesy of little.yellow.different.)
Wow. Noxema girl killed somebody!
Feminist bile rising in throat…
“Scientists to Defend Human Cloning Plans in U.S.”
I’ve only got one thing to say about that: Me Stan. Butt chomp! Butt chewy chomp! Butt chewy chomp!
(More at Beef-cake.com.)
Dude, I wish I had an Aeron chair. We’ve got these crappy ones that get all crooked and wonky. And mine’s got these horrible armrests that I’m about to break off. In order to fit them under my desk so I’m not four feet away from the keyboard, I’ve got to lower the seat a foot and reach up to type. I also got a new file cabinet under my desk on the left, which means I have to sit off-center in order to fit the extra-wide handles under there anyway. Why can’t we get some of the dot-com excess over here? Oh yeah, we’ve got no money. *sigh*
How stoked am I that the Goonies DVD finally comes out this month? I just pre-ordered. And check out the Goonies all grown up! Some thoughts…
I’m gonna go listen to some Cyndi Lauper.