Month: October 2001

  • Some readers call out Roger Ebert for ripping on Zoolander.

  • Hmmm… I go to Ireland for the weekend, and the Fighting Irish finally win one. Coincidence?

  • I’m off to Dublin, kids. Play nice and I’ll show you my pictures when I get back…

  • Listening a song that perfectly captures my mood right now:

    Here’s wishing you the bluest sky
    And hoping something better comes tomorrow
    Hoping all the verses rhyme,
    And the very best of choruses to
    Follow all the drudge and sadness
    I know that better things are on the way.

    I know you’ve got a lot of good things happening up ahead.
    The past is gone, it’s all been said.
    So here’s to what the future brings,
    I know tomorrow you’ll find better things.
    I know tomorrow you’ll find better things…

    – Dar Williams

  • I GOT IT! I GOT IT! Oh my God! I am leaving Netdecisions! Here’s how it went down: yesterday I was shocked to hear that Christian, a fellow front end developer, had gotten “the letter”. He hasn’t been here long, but he’s quickly become one of the leaders of the group. It was a huge shock and he was upset about having to leave. I talked to him last night and we half-joked about the possibility of doing a switch (me for him). I told him to feel free to mention me during his meeting today. Well, he just came back from it and they accepted! The Snook’s going to set up a meeting for himself now. Either way, we’re gone, baby. THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS!

  • That bug seems to be still firmly lodged up Ebert’s ass. This week he rips on John Cusack’s new film.

  • How well do you know your fundamentalist hate-mongers? Take the Falwell-Robertson-Bin Laden Quiz. I only got 8 out of 20 correct. On the page with the answers, be sure to read the context of the very last one. I couldn’t believe it. (Link courtesy of Steve.)

  • Wow. You know that Greyhound bus crash this week, where the driver’s throat was slashed? He survived. I thought he was one of the six who died. That’s amazing.

  • Well, I’m still here. Whether that will be true at the end of the day remains to be seen.

  • This is the first Rebecca Gayheart article I’ve read that didn’t refer to her as the “Noxema girl”. Unfortunately this incident didn’t do a lot to dispel my image of her as your average Hollywood airhead bimbo.