Month: October 2001

  • Check it out! My Roald Dahl site won an award!


  • Everybody’s talking about the big Eastenders shocker tonight. I don’t get why they keep calling it an “incest” storyline though. *Spoiler alert for UK fans!* It’s about a family of five sisters, where the youngest one is actually the eldest one’s daughter. She was too young to raise a child, so the family covered it…


  • The Irish are 0-3 for the first time ever, and the vultures are starting to circle Coach Bob Davie. If he doesn’t pull a win out of his ass soon, they’ll run him out of town.


  • That airplane guy I mentioned yesterday is sorry. He didn’t mean it to be an airplane. And besides, his mother says, kids always taunted him about his spinal disability. WHAT?


  • “Royal Mail unveils ‘interactive’ stamps.” Cool! I want a scratch ‘n’ sniff stamp!


  • This is scary. To me, the Chicago skyline is much more personally significant than the New York one.


  • My weblog anagram is wedged-boss. I like that. What’s yours?


  • Congrats to Jann on impending Daddy-hood. It’s a good thing.


  • Just found on the BBC News site: Anybody else see a connection?


  • An American-born football player over here (that’s “soccer player” for some of you) claims that during a match he saw one of the opposing team’s fans making an “airplane gesture” at him. Which is terrible and all… but what the hell is an “airplane gesture”? Everything I can think of would be just as equally…
