My friend Martin has been trying his hand at this weblogging business. Go check out his site and give him some encouragement. (But I have to warn you, avoid his School Disco pictures!)
For you non-UKers, School Disco is a ridiculous club event where lots of adults demean themselves by dressing up in school uniforms (a la Britney Spears) and trying to get off with one another to the sound of 80’s music. Or something. I’d write more, but Meg’s already said it better than I could. I’ll just further note how disgusting it is to see the crowd of dirty old men clustered around the Lloyd’s cashpoint on Saturday nights drooling over the “Catholic schoolgirls” in body glitter and pigtails. Ugh. But Martin loves it and I’m sure we’ll have a very entertaining argument going on in the comments section any moment now… 🙂