Hey, a guy at my university got second place on College Jeopardy. Cool. Unfortunately, in case you’re wondering, my appearance on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? didn’t really pan out. They haven’t called. Damn you, Chris Tarrant! I was all set to kick Ladies Week ass.
Month: November 2001
Damn it! Why do I only discover bands after they break up? Lately I’ve had a major Catatonia fixation, specifically their song “Road Rage”. For you Yanks, they’re an awesome Welsh band that apprently broke up in September. Crap. Check out this description of the lead singer Cerys: “A lady singer whose voice sounds exactly like Shirley Bassey puking five pints of Jack Daniel’s (with snakebite chasers) into the Grand Canyon through a megaphone during an earthquake.” Isn’t that fantastic? I’ve been bellowing out “Road Rage” all afternoon, but unfortunately I sound nothing like her. I pretend though.
I packed a box today! And I did some other travel related chores! And the dishes! That means I’ve been a very good girl, and that means I can blog. 🙂
Yeah, it’s been hard. I hate looking at my site and seeing only one tiny post per day. I know I’m addicted but it’s difficult to stop. I took that Blogaholic Quiz and I got 68 out of 100. That’s a lot. Some of them were pretty embarrassing admissions too. Like the question about starting flame wars? Been there, done that. And the one about dreaming about blogging? Try dreaming about bloggers. I swear to God I dreamt last night that I was at a party at Max’s house. Isn’t that weird? I think my subconscious was dwelling on today’s Survivor picks and anticipating my ultimate victory celebration. Yeah, I have issues. Anyhoo, it’s nice to have some guilt-free blog time before me.
A rare culinary success!
Remember my ill-fated foray into the world of homemade pizza? I’m happy to report that tonight’s experiment – homemade chicken pot pie – landed firmly on the other side of the Delicious-Meter. It was fantastic! Never underestimate what you can do with pre-made pastry. It’s a godsend.So yeah, I haven’t been posting much lately. And yeah, I promised I wouldn’t until I tackled the packing problem. Put those two concepts together and you’re left with the conclusion that… I’ve done nothing. Well, not nothing. I made out a very detailed To Do list. That’s almost like being productive, right? At least my chicken pot pie kept the day from being a total washout. How can I stop procrastinating? Somebody, anybody, kick me in the ass!
Oh no. Oh nonononono. I forgot to remind my parents to tape the Buffy musical last night! ARRRRGGGGHHHH! Did anybody tape it? I’m desperate!
Okay, I’ve been keeping it hush-hush til now but I can remain silent no longer…
We’re leaving London two weeks from today!
And while I’m mentally ready, I’m soooo physically not. That’s why I’m taking the hard step of of saying: “I will not blog until all my chores are done for the day.” So I’m gonna go now. I’ve got laundry to do and boxes to pack. Don’t worry; I’ll still be posting. But I’m such a procrastinator that I need to set myself some ground rules or we’ll never be ready to go. Wish me luck, kids.
Don’t be like Mike. Wow, pretty damning list of complaints. And it didn’t even mention his gambling habit!
What the hell? Salon’s running an article about “The Phantom Edit”. Like, six months after the fact. Way to be on the ball there. Or maybe I’m mistaken. Perhaps the story was posted in June for Premium subscribers, and it’s just taken this long for it to trickle down to the great unwashed unpaying masses.
Just as I was about to lament the lack of anything interesting to blog today, Snookums came through with a real gem: The Australian National Public Toilet Map. Remember my tirade against public pee-ers? We’ve argued it extensively and, much to my chagrin, the Snook is on the opposite side of the fence. He says that city planners are the ones to blame for not providing enough clean, well-maintained public toilets for people to use. I still counter with the fact that women have learned to “hold it”, but he says they shouldn’t have to. Anyway, I think he sent me that link to appease me on the issue a bit. As he himself put it, “now we can plan our trips and never have to resort to public urination!”
Hey, the Weblog Review visited my site and gave it a glowing review! Awww, it’s nice to get some positive feedback. 🙂