It’s so good to be back on the Net. I’m catching up on my Roger Ebert reviews. He seemed to like Harry Potter a lot, and he makes Ocean’s Eleven sound better than I expected. There are also a couple good Movie Answer Man columns as well.
Month: December 2001
Woohoo! And just that quick, we’re surfin’ the Net from the apartment. Rock on.
Hello everybody! Sorry about the lack of updates… We moved into our apartment! It’s been a little crazy. We had our bed delivered Monday night (the only furniture we currently have), and the Snook and I decided to save twenty bucks by putting it together ourselves. You should’ve seen us. It’s a black iron frame bed with a canopy, the kind with the rails and the slats of wood that hold up the mattress. Unfortunately we first hooked the rails up to the outside of the frame, which meant that the wood had a little too much wiggle room. We didn’t realize that, of course, until we’d put on the mattress and made the bed and everything. We both jumped on to test it, made one little tentative bounce, and CRASH! We ended up on the floor. So we had to take the whole damn thing apart and start over. We eventually got it though.
Yesterday Snookums and I headed in to Grace Brothers, the big department store, to order a bunch of appliances. (Grace Brothers always reminds me of Are You Being Served? It was all I could do to keep from mentioning Mrs. Slocombe’s pussy. *grin*) Anyhoo, we got a widescreen TV, a fridge, a vacuum, a washing machine, a microwave, and a crock pot. Yeah, that was a chunk of change. It’s all getting delivered tomorrow though! So we’ll finally be able to start buying perishable food again.
We’ve also been going nuts at IKEA. Here’s the couch we’re getting tomorrow. (Sorry, it’s in Swedish.) While I wait for all the deliveries, the Snook is heading back to the land of flat-packed furniture to pick up our dresser, the dining room set, and a heapin’ helpin’ of bookshelves. We’re busy little bees.
Ooh! Did I mention that we just saw They Might Be Giants at the local record store? Seriously, like 20 minutes ago. It was awesome. We’re gonna head back soon to get something signed. (Some freak brought a toaster. A toaster. I kid you not.) We’re seeing them in a proper concert later tonight. Excitement!
Did I mention that this is my first official blog from an Internet cafe? The phone in the flat was hooked up today, but we don’t have an ISP yet. (The Snook is researching various plans at a computer behind me as we speak.) So basically, updates aren’t going to be very regular until I can blog from the house, which hopefully be soon. Cross your fingers, kids!
I’m so out of the loop here. That’s good for some things – I haven’t read any news about anthrax for over a week now. There are drawbacks to being disconnected though. Bob Davie got fired? Ouch. That sucks for him. He may have been the third “losing-est” coach we’ve had, but I’d rank him near the top in terms of “rugged good looks”. 🙂
I just popped in to anon’s site for the first time in a while and was pleased to see her new Christmas design. Is that Ralphie and Flick at the top? I don’t remember that scene from the movie. Huh. I wonder where she got it.
Scene: The Snook and I are walking down King Street in Newtown, soon to be our local main drag. We come upon a tiny tiny music store. Kris’s eyes pop out of her head.
Kris: Does that say that They Might Be Giants are going to be playing and signing CDs in this store?
Snook: Way-hey! Next Wednesday.
Kris: Oh my God. We are so there. (pause) They Might Be Giants are going to be physically four hundred yards from our house. THAT RULES!Postscript: we rushed home and discovered that they’re playing two proper shows in Sydney next week. So we’re gonna see ’em again!
WE GOT THE APARTMENT! WE GOT IT! We were a bit worried, what with neither of us having jobs and all, but apparently my U.K. bank statement (conveniently fattened up with Netdecisions payout cash) convinced them of our financial solvency. Hooray! More details later…
Go tell Tara D she rocks. Seriously. She needs it and it’d be a nice thing to do. And, of course, it’s true.
Yuppie Test
As I was still thinking about buying furniture when I visited Brigita’s site, I jumped on her link to the Yuppie Test. I scored only 32%… despite the fact that I did purchase handmade ceramic sushi plates from a swanky craft fair last weekend. And I don’t even like sushi!
Woohoo! By the end of the day, we just might have our apartment! We’ve applied for two in the same block and we should know soon whether we got ’em. Then it’s off to IKEA to pick up some much needed furniture. I have so much newfound respect for, like, grown-ups. How do you guys do it? Joint bank accounts, leases, formalities, shopping, etc. I mean, the Snook and I lived in the same house for the past year, but somehow that seemed more fun and less formal. Now we’re suddenly “adults” or something. Of course, we’re going to mitigate that somewhat tonight with an evening of drunken college student-type revelry, which should be fun. (We’re seeing “Samson and Sharky”, some local band that the Snook and his friends used to see all the time.) It’s all about balance, you see.