Month: January 2002

  • It’s the old “Nine Things About Me That Are True, and One That Isn’t” meme. Members of my immediate family are not allowed to play. Everybody ready?

    1. I got a tattoo for my twentieth birthday.
    2. I have had blue hair.
    3. I can do a cartwheel.
    4. I have never broken a bone in my body.
    5. Despite being my high school valedictorian, I actually failed a class my senior year.
    6. I am one quarter Korean.
    7. I can juggle.
    8. I have been skydiving.
    9. I saw “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace” eight times in the theater.
    10. I have made a quilt from scratch.

    Okay, which one isn’t true? Let the guessing begin! Answers will be posted in a day or so.

  • Last bit of Survivor News for the day… Whaddaya know? There’s a Yahoo Group. They’ve done all the research for me!

  • More Survivor News: After doing some sniffing about, I finally managed to get confirmation on where the competition will take place: Whaler’s Way, near Port Lincoln in South Australia. It’s not as harsh as the Kimberley, we think, but it’s close to the Nullarbor, which could be trouble.

  • Australian Survivor News

    All Australian SurvivorI have to say, I’ve been tremendously disappointed with Channel Nine’s hype for the show so far. There is absolutely no information available on their website. We don’t know who the host is, who the contestants are, or where it’s going to be played. (Based on the first commercial, the Snook guesses the Kimberley, which is a deserty place on the northwest edge of the continent.) They’ve just recently started showing two new commercials that introduce some of the contestants, but you don’t get to see much. How am I supposed to conduct my Survivor Contest if we don’t know who to vote for in the first episode? (Incidentally, I’m still accepting players if anybody’s interested.)

  • Hanalei

    Thanks to Bill, I now know that Puff the Magic Dragon lived in Hawaii, specifically near the town called “Hanalei”. (Yeah, I sung it, but I never knew where it was.)

  • What the hell? A satellite is expected to crash to Earth sometime today and pieces could fall anywhere between Orlando, Florida and Brisbane, Australia. Not that we’re in any danger or anything, but why the heck isn’t more notice given for these things? (Link courtesy of Fredo.)

  • New webcam image is up. That’s Snook giving me some smoochies. We were yet again defeated at the Nag’s Head trivia tonight. I came through on Judy Garland’s real name (Frances Gumm), but I totally tanked on the group that sang “Walkin’ on Sunshine”. (Ten points for whoever knows that without cheating.) In better news, I lost another pound!

  • The Snook and I finally saw Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back last night. (It just opened here last week.) I left the film thinking, “That was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.” But you know, that’s not even really a criticism, since they acknowledge it all throughout the movie. It’s supposed to be stupid. If you haven’t seen it yet, I can’t give you a whole-hearted recommendation unless A) you’ve seen all of Kevin Smith’s other movies, B) you enjoyed all of Kevin Smith’s other movies, and C) you don’t get easily offended by really, really crude humor. That said, the scene with James Van Der Beek was, for me, worth the price of admission. “You wouldn’t last one day on the Creek!”

  • Reason 513 I’m Glad I’m Not Still in Britain: 120mph wind storms