Month: January 2002

  • Hooray! Bill got nominated for a Bloggie! If it can’t be me – Hello? Best Australian weblog, anyone? – then I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather see listed among the Ernie‘s and Uncle Willie‘s of the world. Seriously, go vote for our Mermaniac, okay? 🙂


  • If you’re not a regular visitor to Moire‘s site, you should be. I’m the hugest fan of her “Lamentably Horrible Fanfic Link O’ The Day.” My favorites so far have been “Luke Duke – The Baby Years”, “Blues Clues – The NC17 Version”, and “My Dream of Being a Beautician, by Severus Snape”. What?! Oh,…


  • What assholes.You will not believe the day I’ve had. Actually 90% of it was great. Kel, Snookums, and I took the ferry out to Taronga Zoo and had a blast. Then we headed back to the Nag’s Head pub to meet the guys and try to defend our trivia championship. We lost (the music round…


  • Dude, check out the poll results. I’m trying to decide whether to be insulted that my core audience seems to be all chunkers. But you know what? I love you guys anyway, just the way you are. 🙂


  • English amnesiac may be porn star. Oh wow, that’s hilarious. I was following this story when it broke in London last year. This guy with an English accent showed up in Canada claiming to have amnesia and later tried to get a Canadian passport to travel to Britain. Turns out that he may actually be…


  • Spurred on by your inspirational comments, I’ve decided that weight loss isn’t the best gauge for my fitness goals. I want to be healthier all around, not just lighter. To that end, I bought some pretty cool new software for my PDA called BalanceLog. So far it seems great. It allows me to keep track…


  • Hey, my friend Kingsley has finally launched his long-awaited weblog. By my count, that now makes five of us former (and current) Netdeciders blogging it on the web. If you have a website, does anybody at your company know about it? Would you want them to?


  • We did it! Kel, Carrot, and I reached the peak of the Sydney Harbour Bridge about five o’clock this afternoon. It was an amazing experience. Go check out my pictures. And don’t even think of laughing at our jumpsuits…


  • Very limited Internet time this week, as my friend Kelly is visiting and I’m showing her the sights of Sydney. On her very first day, the beeatch managed to win $50 on one of the pub slot machines! Wish us luck on the bridge tomorrow…


  • New Poll: How active (or unactive) are you? Yeah, I’m trying to find some kindred spirits here.
