Apple finally throws down the gauntlet and explodes some common myths about their products. I could’ve used this information last week when I got into an argument with a die-hard Windoze fan. Her main point was Myth #3 (“The software I need isn’t available for Macs.”) After the Snook and I spent ten minutes explaining that it was, we got her to admit that what she really meant was “The pirate software I need isn’t as easily available on Macs.” Well, no duh. If you’re looking for a platform for warez, Windoze is your bitch. If you’re looking for a well-designed, easy-to-use, powerful-as-all-hell computer (with tons of legitimately free software to boot, thanks to OSX’s Unix roots), then a Mac is for you.
On a related note, did I mention that I finally got my iPod? I love love love it. I’ve just about filled it up (over 1200 songs!), which – granted – isn’t my entire music library, but it’s more than enough to keep me happy at the gym (or in my eventual work commute). And it looks so cool. All the gay guys at the gym envy me.