Month: February 2002

  • So last night as the Australian premiere of Alias, right? I’d been hearing that a lot of people liked the show, so the Snook and I gave it a shot. It was entertaining. Not the greatest thing ever, but not crap. So today I went to TSFKAMBTV to check out their recap. And get this…


  • “The World of the Laid-Off Techie.” Oh god. Sometimes stuff like this comes along, and it just makes me so scared that we made the wrong decision in leaving our jobs in London. It wasn’t, right?


  • I haven’t suggested any cheesy quizzes in a long time! Try this one: Which Office Space character are you? I got Peter, though I think I’m probably actually halfway between him and Michael Bolton. Without all the gangsta rap though. (Link courtesy of anon.)


  • Help! What’s the name of the Dave Matthews Band song that plays during the Black Hawk Down commercials? I’m so out of the Top 40 loop over here.


  • New Poll: What did you think of the little boy with the lantern being chased by the giant scary KKK icicles and rescued by David Bowie?


  • The Matrix was on TV tonight. It was the first time I’d seen it since I moved to Sydney (where it was filmed). It was amazing how much of the city I recognized. The “woman in the red dress” sequence happened in front of the fountain in Martin Place. The Centrepoint Tower was clearly visible…


  • I’ve added items 58-68 on my list of (Almost) 100 Things About Me. This section includes the tale of my dressing up as Queen Amidala for the Star Wars Episode One premiere, as seen at right. Yeah, I’m a big nerd.


  • It doesn’t happen often, but every now and then I discover some aspect of Australian culture that is completely different to the American way. For instance, Channel Seven has a show on every night called “The Ice Dream” that basically makes fun of the Olympics. It’s hilarious. These two sportscasters just rip on everybody and…


  • 50,000 Sycophants at 50,000 Keyboards Can’t Be Wrong! Heh.


  • Ahh, too many birthdays! Martin‘s was Friday. Sorry I missed ya, mate!
