Australian politics are hilarious. Everyone’s in a tizzy because a Labour politician just called Prime Minister John Howard an “arse-licker” with respect to his conduct in America recently. All the PM’s Liberal cronies want the guy to apologize. He refuses, saying it’s a “great Australian phrase”. Here’s my favorite part of the article: The media monitor Rehame reported about 200 callers split 50-50 – but one third of the negative callers objected to the language not the sentiments. In other words, more than half of Australians think Howard is an arse-licker, even if they wouldn’t use those words themselves. Hee!
Month: June 2002
I had a big long rant here about the Pledge of Allegiance and how I sorta agree that “under God” shouldn’t be in there. (There was also a big random digression about the Notre Dame fight song too, but let’s not discuss that.) But now my righteous indignation has faded away and I don’t feel like ranting anymore. It’s difficult to discuss “serious” stuff in this forum, you know? I can argue that stuff with my friends, but when I put it out in public I just end up getting flamed by random assholes. (Case in point: the e-mail spam deluge continues seventeen hours later. Ten e-mails every five minutes. I must’ve pissed somebody off.) So I’m a little tired of seeing people (including myself) ripped on for posting their opinions. What do my fellow bloggers think? Should we allow harassment from strangers to prevent us from posting serious stuff? Or should we just stick to the links and memes?
Celebrity or Look-Alike? I got 14 out of 16 right. That pisses me off; I’m usually really, really good at identifying people. In my defense, the two I missed were the ones with the crappiest image quality. So I don’t think they count, right? (Link courtesy of anon.)
Hayley (of Born Squishy) is back! Her return post is exactly what I needed to read right now. I’ve been feeling a little let down since the race, and it’s been hard to get back into the gym when I don’t have a clear-cut training goal anymore. I’ve given up on weight loss as a reliable metric, so what’s left to motivate me? I think Hayley’s provided me with an answer.
Grrr. Some asshole just spammed me sixty times. He thinks he covered his tracks pretty well, but the Snook’s on the case. Bastard.
News from Hollywood: Actors Will Smith and Ryan Phillippe are teaming up to produce “White Boy Shuffle”, a feature described as a hip-hop “Catcher in the Rye”. Good lord. Can you hear that? It’s a thousand English majors committing hara-kiri.
I’ve changed a few backend things here at w-g, but the only change y’all should notice is that you need to reset your cookie when leaving a comment. Just re-type your info and check the “Re-save cookie” box before submitting. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Update: Actually, there’s something else you might notice. I’ve implemented backlinking on all the archived posts of this site. This means that whenever you link to one of my permanent posts (and someone actually uses that link), an automatic link back to your site will be created. (See it in action here.) There’s a Metafilter discussion about this and what it means to “blogspace”. I’m not sure what I think of all that; I just thought it would be an interesting experiment. We’ll see what happens, eh?
New Poll! Where are you on the food chain? I know some of you vegan types will complain about only having two options, but just pick whatever fits you best.
I’ve been noticing lately that when I hit the site in the morning, more than eight comments have gone by in the “Recent Comments” list. Since I like to read each and every one, I’ve made an extended Recent Comments page that lists the last 50 comments here at the site. (It’s also linked down there on the left.) Now you never have to lose track of a w-g discussion!