Month: June 2002

  • Do any of you watch Smallville? Is it any good, besides providing fodder for Clark Kent/Lex Luthor slash fiction? It’s going to be starting on TV here soon. We’re also getting the latest series of Dawson’s Creek and The Osbournes too. How great is Australian television? Answer: very.


  • My fellow webloggers – do you ever get Blog Crushes? This is a new term I have invented. It refers to the period after you discover a new blog that you love and start visiting daily and then find yourself reading all the archives and commenting on every single item. That’s how I am with…


  • Once again Ebert answers the questions enquiring minds want to know: Who would win in a fight – James Bond or Ethan Hunt (from Mission Impossible)? I think he gets it wrong, personally.


  • How great are the Senegal team? The Snook and I watched their marvelous victory last night and then headed out to dinner. We were sitting by the window in the restaurant when a parade of Senegalese in six cars drove through Newtown, honking their horns and waving the flag. Everyone on the streets cheered. Later…


  • This is it! I’m hydrated and rarin’ to go for the big race. Stay tuned for pictures and results. Wish me luck! Update: I did it! Well, sorta. The course was actually pretty hard and I had to walk the last couple of hills. I think my increased pace from the “race day adrenaline” made…


  • Anybody know where I can get one of those big silver “K” earrings Kylie wears in the “Love at First Sight” video?? 🙂


  • Friday Five: 1. How often do you do laundry?Whenever A) the pile in the bedroom threatens to smother us, or B) whenever I have nothing to wear, whichever comes first. 2. What’s in a typical wash load?Mostly just clothes. If it’s me, jeans and T-shirts. If it’s the Snook, work shirts and pants. 3. Front…


  • Ha! Korea helped the US team go through to the second round. Check out my two teams helpin’ each other!


  • Ladies and gentlemen… Introducing Couch Cam! You should be able to see it over there on the right. Yes, that’s my actual couch in my actual living room (and probably my actual ass parked on it). The camera is located on a shelf about two feet above our TV. It’s currently set up to upload…


  • Ever have a dream so great that you got angry when you woke up and realized it wasn’t real? This morning I had a fantastic dream that the Snook found a “Two Million Dollar Golden Ticket” in a Hershey bar. It was so exciting, and when he gave his interview on the news he even…
