Wisdom Springs is an interesting site where real people post about the city they live in – what they like about it, what they don’t, and what visitors should know. I’ve added an entry for Sydney. You should add one too, especially if you live somewhere interesting!
Month: August 2002
I just saw the weirdest thing. I was walking into Newtown to get my “Lance in Space” CD booklets printed (more on that later), when I passed this guy wearing a tuxedo jacket with tails. “That’s odd,” I thought. Then I realized he was also wearing a black T-shirt, red three-quarter length pants and bright yellow tennis shoes. Picture that in your mind and tell me who it reminds you of. That’s right… MICKEY MOUSE. He was dressed just like Mickey Mouse. But he wasn’t wearing, like, mouse ears or anything so I don’t know if it was intentional or not. But there’s no way you could put that outfit together by accident, right?
How Jedi Are You? Of course I can’t pass up a quiz like this. Check me out; I’m a Jedi Knight. Of course, I think that’s sorta the default if you’re not A) evil or B) trying to get into Padme’s pants. (Link courtesy of one scruffy looking nerf herder.)
My friend Martin went to Cornwall recently and took some pictures worth checking out. My favorites are the ones from the Eden Project, where giant domes have been built in a crater to create different climates (a “Living Theatre of Plants & People”). The scale of the place is just astonishing. It looks so tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s in England.
1. Do you have a car? If so, what kind of car is it?
Nope. I haven’t had one in years. Luckily you don’t need one in London or Sydney. The last couple times I went home I rented one to make the trip to Indiana from Chicago.2. Do you drive very often?
Nope. The last time was November of last year when we stopped off in the States on our way to Australia. I don’t even ride in cars that often. We take a cab occasionally, but mostly I use public transport. Actually I probably won’t be driving anytime soon since my US license expired in March and Indiana doesn’t let you renew over the Internet. I could get an Australian one, but it’s much harder here and I probably wouldn’t pass (since I don’t have a lot of experience driving in big cities).3. What’s your dream car?
A vintage cherry red Volkswagen Beetle convertible with leather interior.4. Have you ever received a ticket?
I’ve gotten a couple of warnings, but only one ticket. See below.5. Have you ever been in an accident?
I think it was the summer before college, and I was driving with my then-boyfriend near his house in Michigan. It was a really bright day and we were tootling through town at no more than 30 mph. Suddenly I noticed that the car in front of me (a Corvette, naturally) had stopped to turn left. I didn’t have time to do anything but slam on the brakes. I couldn’t have been going more than 5mph when I hit it, but of course I had to put a big scratch in the bumper. My car fared worse; I had jammed the brake pedal so hard that it got stuck down and my boyfriend had to yank it up so I could pull off the road. Soooo, anyway, the lady driving was already calling the cops on her mobile within ten seconds and I knew I was pretty much screwed. I ended up getting a $100+ ticket for “rear ending” and my insurance, of course, went through the roof. Whatever. I’m so glad I don’t have to drive anymore. -
Big hugs to my poor sister Amy, who fell over in her chair at work and cut her head open on a filing cabinet. She had to get staples in her head! Poor little sister.
Wooohoo! And we are GO for “Lance in Space”! October 28 is the big day. I wonder if I should send him a copy of the CD? 🙂
Oh man… a ShowBiz Pizza/Chuck E. Cheese Tribute Site! I had a birthday at ShowBiz Pizza once, before it merged with Chuck E. Cheese. It was seriously the best party ever. I got to sit in a big throne and Billy Bob (the animatronic hillbilly bear) called me up on stage to talk to him. This site is seriously taking me back. They even have mp3s!
Guess who’s coming to Sydney? Bea Arthur! She’s performing as part of the Gay Games Sport and Cultural Festival. I’m trying (unsuccessfully) to get the Snook to accompany me. Too bad none of you big Bea fans (you know who you are!) are here to come along!
Sweet. Tara D‘s last stand-up show was professionally recorded and now you can order a copy. Support your local weblogging comedienne!