Month: September 2002

  • Snook’s Low-Carb Blueberry-Banana-Flaxseed Muffins

    The Snook has been cruising various low-carb websites in search of recipes to emulate the high-carb stuff we’ve been missing. Yesterday he picked up lots of almond meal and ground flax seeds in preparation for doing some baking. We spotted some blueberries at the greengrocer and I flashed back to Max’s blueberry-banana muffins. Armed with an idea, the Snook took to the kitchen for some invention. The resulting muffins don’t look so great, but they taste pretty good and it’s nice to eat something “bread-y” again. We estimate they’ve got about 12 grams of carbs each, so you’d best avoid them if you’re doing Induction.


    • 5 tablespoons melted butter
    • 3 large eggs
    • 1/4 cup cream
    • 1/3 cup artificial sweetener (we use “Splenda”)
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
    • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 cup flax seed meal
    • 1/4 cup soy flour
    • 1 small banana, mashed
    • 1/2 cup blueberries

    Preheat the oven to 375F.

    Beat the first three ingredients together, then add the sweetener and vanilla. In another bowl mix up all the dry ingredients. Then combine the wet and dry together and add the fruit. Now fill up your muffin cups and pop them in the oven. The Snook reckons they need to bake for 20-25 minutes, but test by poking them.

    He made six fairly big muffins out of this. They don’t rise a lot, so you can fill the cups up pretty full. The resulting muffins are dark brown and pretty dense, but the fruit makes them taste great. They’ve got lots of fiber too.

    Let us know if you make any yummy modifications!

  • Here’s a nice interview with R.E.M.’s Mike Mills as he reflects on Chronic Town twenty years after its release. (Link courtesy of Kevin.)

  • Me, in a few short weeks!Sommelier, here I come!
    The Snook and I almost missed our first wine-tasting class tonight because somebody misread the date on the acceptance letter. Tsk, tsk. Anyway, we’re doing this class through the Sydney Uni CCE with Huon Hooke, who’s this pretty famous Australian wine judge and writer. Tonight we learned all about how wine ages and why every wine doesn’t necessarily get better as it gets older. We tasted four different wines, two reds and two whites, and within each we had an older and younger version. (The oldest as a 20-year-old cabernet savignon. Snookums thought it was a bit past its peak though.) It was pretty cool for a novice like me, because comparing them like that made it easy to see the changes. I even managed to ask a good question: “If the big variable in how the wine ages – and whether it goes bad – is the cork, why the heck are we still using them?” Turns out Mr. Hooke is a big advocate of using other things, like plastic corks and screw tops. Huh. I also had a lot of fun watching the hoity-toity grown-ups spitting out each mouthful like professional tasters. Not me, babe. That wine was too good and expensive to waste. The “young” vintages were all, like, $60/bottle, and the older ones didn’t even have prices listed (because apparently the only way you get them is at auction). I believe wine exists to be drunk, so I downed ’em all. Lest you think I was the only lush, though, I’ll have you know that the woman on the other side of Snookums not only drained each glass before we even discussed it, she admonished the guy pouring for not giving her enough. I at least made a pretense of being there for the learnin’. 🙂

  • What a glorious spring day. Mmm, I wish you could smell our garden right now. Too bad that whole Internet odor thing was a bust. You’ll just have to look at these pictures I just took and pretend.

    Jasmine     Lemon tree     Peace lilies     Big lemon tree

    That first one is just a bit of the waterfall of jasmine that is cascading over the fence between our place and the neighbors’. It smells so amazing. A couple other houses on our street have it too, and you can smell it the second you open a door or window. That second picture is the little lemon tree Mama Snook got us last year. It’s doing much better in our garden than it was on our apartment balcony. In fact, it’s got some little buds and we thing it’s going to flower! The third picture shows some of the gigantic peace lilies we have growing in the back corner. It’s the same plant we used to have on our clothes dryer in London, except much bigger with several large flowers. And last is our neighbors’ lemon tree, which has dozens of large fruit the size of baseballs dangling from it. The closest branch is only a couple feet from the fence, so I’m hoping a stiff breeze might knock some over our way. 🙂

  • Notre Dame won their first game 22-0. GO IRISH!