Month: October 2002

  • Halloween cookiesCheck out these Halloween cookies my sister made! Scary bones and witches’ fingers. Maybe if we all ask very nicely, she’ll tell us how she did it…

  • My sister sent me a link to this really cute Flash movie today. Put your headphones on so you can crank the music. 🙂

  • This whole BCS thing is insane. Does anyone understand this analysis? Why in the world doesn’t college football have a playoff tournament?

  • Helpful tip: when you stay up til 3 in the morning to listen to something on the Internet, make sure your ISP hasn’t scheduled a maintenance outage for that night. D’oh!

  • It’s two minutes to kickoff… and it’s three in the morning. *yawn* Go Irish.

    Update: HEART ATTACK.

    • 8:30 into the game – Internet connection completely dies
    • 8:32 – I frantically check every connection
    • 8:33 – I run upstairs and restart the modem several times
    • 8:34 – still dead
    • 8:35 – I reluctantly wake the Snook, who has no ideas
    • 8:40 – I try to find the number for our ISP to call and complain
    • 8:41 – I am unsuccessful
    • 12:00 – I call my friends in the US for a score update
    • End of first quarter – I give up and decide to go to bed
    • One second later – Internet comes back!

    This game is a shocker already and it’s only one-fourth of the way through. At least I’m awake now.

    Game over! Oh my god. ND 34, FSU 24. (It should’ve been 34-10, but whatever.) The sun has risen on a world with Notre Dame championship aspirations. I’m going to go try to pry my contacts off my eyeballs and hit the sack. What a night.

  • Running a mile in just over 11 minutes? Nine months of hard work…

    Finishing 5K in 38:30, when it took me 45:44 last June? Four months of pounding on the treadmill…

    Having one of the hard-core weightlifter guys congratulate me after my run and observe that I’ve lost a bit of weight over the past few months? Bloody priceless.

  • Buffy makes you smart. I just received today’s word of the day and it’s “kakistocracy”. Without even reading the definition, I knew that it meant “government by the worst of the worst.” How did I know that? Season 3, Episode 3. The villain is a big guy with cloven feet named “Kakistos”. Guess I’m done with the book learnin’!

  • A German tourist escaped the Bali blast only to be killed by a crocodile in Australia ten days later. Talk about bad luck.

  • Rest in peace, Professor Dumbledore. That’s really sad. I wonder who they’ll get to replace him?

  • Apple will be selling iPods in Best Buy and Target for Christmas. Damn. On one hand I think it’s the best mp3 player available and I want everybody in the world to acknowledge that. On the other, if everybody’s got one mine won’t be so special anymore! It’s the eternal Mac-enthusiasts paradox.