Happy’s Place: The E! True Hollywood Story. Ha! Not really. Actually it turns out that the show was just as innocent and corny as we all thought. I did get a kick out of Happy’s anecdotes about the girl who peed on television and kids turning into “puke geysers”. And hey! It turns out Steve Shine wasn’t the voice of Froggy after all. Who knew? Man, this puts me in the mood for some Thundercats and Inspector Gadget reruns. (Link courtesy of Moire, who’s also bitter about never having been on the show.)
Month: October 2002
1. What is your favorite scary movie?
I don’t really like scary movies. I have an overactive imagination and they freak me out. I did force myself to see The Sixth Sense, though, and I liked that a lot.2. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
Contrary to what my Mom remembers, it is NOT those marshmallow scary cat things (i.e. Peeps). I was always a fan of the mini-candy bar, preferably Snickers, Butterfinger, or Baby Ruth. Sure, they’re more expensive than Bit-O-Honey (*shudder*) or Double Bubble (*horrors*), but a neighbor who hands out the good stuff is a neighbor who’s not gonna get egged. Remember that, grown-ups.3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume.
Not anymore. My best costume, the one that actually won an award, was “Large”. That’s right, the concept of largeness. Two of my friends and I were trying to come up with cheap costumes for the Senior Bar contest during our last year of college. We noticed that I was about a foot taller than the second girl, who was a foot taller than the third girl. Voila! We each grabbed a white T-shirt and wrote our designated letter (“S”, “M”, and “L”) on the front. Then we just walked around in a group all night. We didn’t win at the campus bar, but we did win third prize at the local gay bar’s drag show! Ah, good times.4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?
No. As I said above, I’m a big ol’ scaredy cat. I much prefer sitting at home and watching all the Halloween-themed sitcom episodes.5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year?
Extremely doubtful. The local bar where we play trivia is having a costume contest, but apparently it’s just for scary costumes. And other than that, I haven’t seen a single Halloween event advertised here. So no trick-or-treat for Kristy this year! 🙁 -
The fourth episode of Survivor airs here tonight, and I’ve got the VCR set. (What one are you Americans on, anyway?) And check this out: I’m the #1 Google result for “I hate Robb”! Isn’t that sweet?
It’s been awhile since we’ve worked up some righteous feminist anger, girls. Check this out. A reporter at the Newcastle Herald inspired a protest recently with his column about his distaste for “belly blubber” (i.e. girls heavier than Britney Spears that dare to expose their midriffs). Look, I’m no skinny minnie (yet) and I certainly don’t go around flaunting my stomach. In fact, I think it looks ridiculous on most people. But how in the world can you read something like “At an age when girls should be striving to be pleasing to the eye, the male eye, these young women were going to serious lengths to expose an acre of wobbling excess. Haven’t they looked in the mirror?” and not see red? What an ass. He sounds like such a troll, he probably shouldn’t even be dignified with a response. That said, I love this photo of one of the protestors. How great is that? I’m making that my new tagline.
Last Christmas Ma Snook played us her Tom Lehrer CD, which I then copied and have been listening to ever since. He was a Harvard math professor that became famous in the 50’s for his humorous songs and parodies. For some silly fun, check out this Flash animation that accompanies his song “The Elements”. Extreme nerdy fun.
About damn time! I called the bookstore today to gripe about my still absent copy of Coraline and they informed me it arrived two weeks ago. What?? Evidently I missed the e-mail or something. Anyway, the Snook picked it up on his lunch break and I should have it in my hands in a matter of minutes. It’s a quick read, right? Is everybody on track to start the discussion in, say, a week?
Check out these Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets character promo posters. What the hell is that next to Ron? Is that supposed to be one of the mandrakes? (Link courtesy of Steve.)
HOLY CRAP. The first Bowl Championship Series rankings are out and Notre Dame is sitting at #3! Can you believe that? We’re one spot from playing for the national friggin’ championship! (I think the fact that the BCS dropped “margin of victory” from the calculations this year helped us out a lot.) So I guess I’ll definitely be pulling an all-nighter this weekend to hear the Florida State game. If any of y’all are at your computers during it, instant message me to keep me awake. 🙂
I posted another interview with Roald Dahl over at my Dahl site. He just cracks me up. I mean, he out and out lies! He’s still claiming he got “shot down” over Libya during World War II, when in fact he ran out of gas and crash landed. He also pontificates on why he “never” wrote a novel, when in reality he tried one early in his career and it was a colossal flop. What a crotchety old egocentric man. (I did like the part where he ripped on the craptacular Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.)