Month: November 2002

  • Warning: Drought Weakened Livestock Ahead
    The Sydney Morning Herald asked its readers to contribute pictures of the drought and recent dust storm. You can now see the best ones in a gallery. Some of them are really good. They also state where the photos were taken, which is nice if – like me – you find Australian place names endlessly fascinating. (Wee Waa?)

  • Just in time for the holiday weekend, the Kushiel’s Dart discussion has begun. Go nuts, people. The next book on our list is Moon Palace by Paul Auster. This is a short and easy read, so it shouldn’t take up too much of your Christmas shopping time. I think you’ll like it. Let me know if any of you have trouble locating it!

  • Knitting in Harry Potter. I so want a Weasley sweater with a big ol’ “K” on it.

  • I was all excited when I found “How to Make a Hand-Turkey” because I’m getting ready to make some decorations for my big dinner. Then I read it and laughed and laughed.

  • The center of the city registered 100 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday. Engineers estimate that the Harbour Bridge grew an estimated 8-10 centimeters as the steel expanded. Isn’t that neat? I told you it was hot.

  • Whew! Good thing I got here when I did!

  • Awww, crap. I just ordered a bunch of American food from this website only to find out that they can’t deliver it in time for my Thanksgiving dinner this weekend. No authentic canned pumpkin pie for me. 🙁

  • It’s ninety degrees out today and I’m sitting inside knitting a six foot long wool scarf. What’s wrong with this picture? (I’m hoping to have it done by Thursday so I can wear it to the Harry Potter premiere.)

  • How good are your geography skills? Try this test. I got 18 out of 20. (I can’t believe I missed the ones I did.)

  • There’s a Swedish restaurant a couple blocks from our house that the Snook and I have been meaning to try out. It’s called kök. (Their front window explains that it’s pronounced shirk.) As you can imagine, we’ve been making jokes about the place for weeks. Every time we tried to get in, though, they were closed. We headed up there again on Friday only to discover that it’s been turned into an Italian cafe (with no amusing name). I’m very disappointed.