Month: November 2002

  • Happy belated birthday to Tricia! Really, you’d think being a blogger she would’ve given us more notice. Come on, girl! We expect a countdown weeks in advance and daily reminders of your Amazon wish list. 🙂

    (Only sixteen weeks til my birthday! I know you can’t wait.)

  • The whole list of the Top 100 Albums of the 80’s is out. The good: REM kicked U2’s ass. The bad: I think my alterna-teen high school boyfriend had, like, most of these records. Thus either he was cooler than me (impossible!), or the whole list is crap (thus negating REM’s victory). Oh wait – there’s a a third possibility. He was a pretentious wanker! I feel better now.

  • Outbreak. Dammit. I hate cold sores. I just felt the tell-tale “tingle”. Yeah, yeah, I’ve already started smearing medicine all over it, but I don’t know how much good it will do. Those stomach cramps a few days ago must have been related to some minor virus. I always get a cold sore whenever my immune system’s been compromised. (I also get them under extreme stress, but I haven’t been feeling that.) Bugger.

  • My sister – yeah, the one who called me and the Snook “pod people” – just sent me a link to this MSNBC article about three new studies that say the Atkins Diet is better at reducing cholesterol and weight than the traditional low-fat diet. She will be assimilated.

  • My First Knitting

    My potholderCheck it out. This is the very first thing I’ve knitted from a pattern. It’s a potholder! For such a simple-looking item, it was ridiculously complicated. I had to pull it apart and restart about ten times. (It didn’t help that whoever wrote the pattern was an idiot.) I’m pretty proud of it though. Now I’m on to bigger and better things. I used this great site (link courtesy of Megan) to generate a pattern for a striped Gryffindor scarf! If all goes well, some of you might even be getting these for Christmas this year! 🙂

  • Heh. You could put your weed in there. (Am I the only one that still quotes that sketch? Do you even know what I’m talking about?)

  • My friend Steve – who just got back from an extended backpacking trip through Asia; who nearly made it to base camp at Everest; and who some of you may remember from various pornographic postings he’s made here in the past – has launched his own weblog! Should be interesting reading. And hey! My site is like the gateway drug of blogging. People leave comments here, and before you know it they’ve got their own site. You’re next, Dad. 🙂

  • RunLog: Two more personal bests! I finally broke eleven minutes for the mile, and I finished the 5K in 37:00 flat. My back didn’t trouble me at all and my tendon hasn’t hurt since I got the new shoes. Of course, now I have new problems. After I got off the treadmill I went to stretch and noticed myself feeling very woozy and dizzy. I don’t think it was a dehydration issue, because I hadn’t had any less to drink today than I normally do. I sat down for a minute and it went away. But get this: fifteen minutes later I was at the post office waiting in a huge line to pick up a package. They had the air con cranked way high and I was still warm from the gym. Suddenly my stomach just started cramping and I felt like I was going to be sick. I was sweaty and clammy and I could feel my stomach churning. Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore and headed home as quickly as I could. So what was up with that, I ask you more experienced runners? Was I actually dehydrated? Or was it going from the very warm outside to the really cool inside? Hmm, the water I was drinking during my run had come from the fridge, so could the coldness of that have been a factor? This has never happened to me before, and it made me feel so crummy that I want to avoid it happening again.

  • Holy crap! Indiana is the ninth smartest state? And I don’t even live there anymore! 🙂