Month: December 2002
Holy crap, Netdeciders! I just discovered that everyone’s favorite ginger-haired gimp has a weblog! (Check out the e-mail address if you can’t figure out his identity.) How did I miss that for so long? Updated: Also check out this, this, and this. Maybe we should start a webring or something. 🙂
Happy belated birthday to Mia!
omphaloskepsis: contemplation of one’s navel as an aid to meditation That’s my new favorite word. Wouldn’t it make a great title for a weblog?
Recursive Portrait. Well, my mind is officially blown for the day. (Link courtesy of John.)
Can you sniff out the Hoax Photos? I got 9 out of 10 on the first level, and 7 out of 10 on the second. I was a little confused at times, though, whether it was the image or the caption that I was supposed to be judging. I think it’s just whether you think…
The Snook sent me a link to, like, the weirdest Flash movie ever. It’s sort of a tribute to Mario Brothers. I liked the music, but the “potty break” bit is a little gross. (<nerd>I played Super Mario Bros. so much on the original NES that I could defeat the game without dying once.</nerd>)
Thursday we got the Survivor clip show, which – by my reckoning – means we’re still one week behind the U.S. Right? Good grief, I’ll never be able to avoid the final episode spoilers. I should just give in now.
The new issue of Knitty is out! I am filled with knitting inspiration and excitement. Oh, and fear too. Check out this article about the Sweater Curse. Basically it states that if you knit anything for a man before you’re married, you’re certain to break up. I was laughing at it until the author mentioned…
Can you catch Michael Jackson’s kids? I was doing pretty well until he started distracting me with crappy records and flinging babies every which way. (Link courtesy of Moire.)
Congratulations to my friend Martin, who left our old company Netdecisions today. I think he was just about the last of my friends still working there. Good luck with the new job, Martin!