Month: January 2003

  • Buck Creek Barbecue Sauce. Hee! (Some explanation: Buck Creek is the “name” of this crazy property near my aunt’s house in Indiana. The people on it, like, lived in a teepee and had an Indian canoe out front, except they weren’t Native Americans. And they had lots of signs with Bible sayings on them. For some reason the whole concept just annoyed my sister every time she drove by. It became a bit of a family joke.)

  • The second installment (“The Subtle Knife”) of the His Dark Materials radio show has been posted. I listened to it at work today and I liked it a lot better than the first one. My only complaint was that the guy that plays Stanislaus Grumman (aka John Parry) sounds a lot like Terence Stamp, so for a while I thought they were doing some weird double-casting thing and I kept trying to figure out what the point was. (It would definitely make the end of the next book even weirder, if you know what I mean.) But it’s not him; it’s just a guy that at times sounds a lot like him. Anyhoo, it’s pretty good. I can’t wait for the next one. Bring on the gay angels, I say!

  • Funky Hat

    Funky Hat: Last week I figured it was time to try something new with the knitting, so I settled on this funky (yet easy) hat. It’s easy because you don’t do any increasing or decreasing; you just basically knit a tube with a circular needle and then close off the top (like a square). Then that bit kinda flops over. It’s also got twisted rib brim and little braids that hang off the back corners. (I’m going to put beads on mine as soon as I can get to the bead shop this weekend.) Since I’ve still got tons of Gryffindor yarn left over (hint hint – anybody want a scarf?), I decided to do it in Gryffindor stripes. Pretty cute, huh? The only flaw was that I grossly overestimated the diameter of my own head, so it’s not a very snug fit. But at least I know now, right?

    Funky hat       Funky hat side view

    And before you say anything, Sis, yes, I know I need to pluck my eyebrows. I’ve just been too busy with the craftiness. 🙂

  • New poll: Yeah, I’m still bitter.

  • abulia: abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions

    Once again the Merriam-Webster Word of the Day provides an eerily accurate analysis of my current mental state.

  •               _                          _     _
    | | | | | |
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    __/ |

    Pretty sweet, huh? Get your own here. (Link courtesy of the Snook.)

  • Tonight’s accomplishment: all three pieces of sushi in my bento box, along with a mouthful of baby octopus courtesy of the Snook. It was good. I think that it’s helped that I’ve been at least partially drunk during each of these gastronomic experiments.

  • Pat Rafter has formally retired from professional tennis. (Yeah, I thought he retired last year too, but apparently he was just taking time off to think about it.) My sister will be sad. The photo gallery accompanying that story should cheer her up though. She once spent, like, a whole summer Photoshopping herself into photos with him. Seriously. (Hey Sis, he lives in Sydney! Just one more reason to visit…)

  • Our Lovely Bones discussion just never ends. Some of you might want to revisit it to answer points that random visitors have brought up.

  • Friday Five:

    1. Where are you right now?
    Sitting in front of my computer in our upstairs office.

    2. What time is it?
    9:15 am. I just got up. Luckily the office is only a quick stumble across the hall from the bedroom.

    3. What are you wearing?
    Comfy brown corduroys that – thanks to the diet – are now way too big for me to wear in public, and an old Notre Dame T-shirt. Oh, and my glasses. Boy, I sound attractive, don’t I?

    4. Any people or animals around you? Describe them.
    As you might guess, the Snook is sitting nearby at his own desk. He’s about to head out to the brew store to pick up some supplies for his next recipe. My house is going to stink again this weekend.

    5. What are your plans for the weekend?
    Pretty mundane stuff. I need to clean the house before Rodd’s parents visit this afternoon. I also need to do some laundry since I haven’t in ages. I’ve got two scarves to finish up and send, and a sock monkey to create. I’ve also sworn to go to the gym, since I haven’t in a month. Isn’t that terrible? Luckily my weight hasn’t moved, so at least I’m not any worse off.