Month: March 2003

  • Helloooo, 26! It’s technically still the 14th here, but I’m gonna hit the sack and post-date this one. Thanks to everyone who sent cards and well-wishes. In the imaginary Showbiz Pizza Place in my head, you’re all sittin’ at the table wearin’ party hats.

  • I’d love to see this documentary about the guy that defrauded the game show Press Your Luck. I watched a lot of game shows as a kid.

  • Mackerelly

    Weight Watchers Recipe Cards from 1974. That’s seriously the funniest thing I’ve seen on the Web in a while. I’m going to be saying “Mackerelly” for days. (Link courtesy of Kim.)

  • Friday Five:

    1. Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not?
    Yep. I just like to talk. I’m a chatty cathy.

    2. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
    The Snook. He called me at work this afternoon to say he’d come upon a stash of old computer parts at his college. (He was doing some work there.) He wanted to know if he should salvage the stuff for me to use as crafting materials. I said, “Hell yeah!” I’m envisioning computer key beaded necklaces and motherboard-encrusted picture frames. Sweeeet.

    3. About how many telephones do you have at home?
    We’ve got two: a regular old cordless and an ultra-cool Queen Amidala Star Wars phone (with buttons you can press to interject “The Federation has gone too far this time!” in your conversations). The Snook and I both have little Nokia 3310 mobiles too.

    4. Have you encountered anyone who has really bad phone manners? What happened?
    Huh? Random question. Well, I do get kinda pissed when people walk away from their desks and leave their mobiles unattended. Some guy in my office has the frickin’ Wedding March as his ringtone, and I hear it about forty times a day.

    5. Would you rather pick up the phone and call someone or write them an e-mail or a letter? Why or why not?
    Definitely. I am a lazyass.

  • Trivia victory! We came back from five points down to win in stunning fashion. (And this time it wasn’t because the first place team got disqualified!) Personal highlights were identifying the Night Court theme and naming one of the last two non-Americans to win the Best Actress Oscar. (Can you guess them?) It helped that a lot of the music identification this week were from the mid-nineties. I’m crap at stuff from the 60’s, but give me 4 Non Blondes and Snow anyday.

  • Cute Baby Animal Alert! “Weesa give you una bongo…”

  • Sweeeeeeet. There’s going to be a Buffy Convention in Melbourne in May! I’m trying to talk the Snook into going. (Link courtesy of orangecat.)

  • Curses! I am foiled by my own celebrity. The third Australian series of Big Brother will be starting up soon… and I know someone with the inside scoop. Today I pleaded with Deep Throat to reveal some of the surprises in store. “No way!” they said. “I know you. You’ll post it all over your bloody website!” I was forced to admit that I would. Thus I remain just as clueless as the rest of you. I did manage to wrangle forth one little tidbit: “This year it’s all about the house.” Apparently they’ve just spent an incredible amount on it, and I’m guessing that it’s going to have some fun hidden features. There supposedly was a recent press release saying something about a glass wall down the middle that will separate the boys from the girls. Deep Throat wouldn’t confirm or deny this, but I got the distinct impression that it’s a red herring. I guess we’ll all find out soon enough!

  • OmniWeb 4.2 Beta 2 is now out for you OS X kids. It seems to fix that annoying bug that made it crash every two seconds. Hmm, maybe I’ll have to switch back from Safari

  • Whoa. Has anybody else noticed that CouchCam has gone, like, infrared? I actually think it looks kinda cool. But no, we haven’t done that on purpose…