Month: March 2003

  • Narnia

    Eek! I am officially out of the new movie loop. I had no idea that a Narnia film was in the works. We saw a theatrical version in London two years ago that was excellent. For some reason I never liked the BBC miniseries though. I guess the casting of Lucy as a little chubby girl with buck teeth just didn’t jibe with my imagined version. I hope they get this one right. (Thanks to Kevin for the heads-up.)

  • Trivia update

    After the triumph of last week, our trivia karma was evidently all used up. We placed fifth tonight and didn’t come close to winning the jackpot. I myself won the first two mini-prizes of the night though (a jug of beer and a polo shirt), which is pretty satisfying. I correctly answered that when it’s midnight in London it’s also midnight in Casablanca, and that the northeastern USA state with less than 25000 people per city is Maine. The question that tested us the most, however, was, “Name eight movies Mel Gibson has starred in with one-word titles.” We knew seven of them, and I thought of an eighth after we turned in the quiz. Can you get them all?

  • Getaway… to Elkhart?!

    The Snook and I flipped on the TV tonight just as the show Getaway was starting. It’s a travel show where the hosts travel around the world and tell you about great places to go. Imagine my surprise when the second segment of the show was on Elkhart, Indiana! The Aussie host was all excited to travel to the “RV Capital of the World”. He went to a motorhome convention and even visited the Shipshewana flea market and the Essenhaus! I nearly pissed myself laughing when he pronounced Amish as “Aim-ish”. The best part is that I managed to hit record on the VCR so I’ll be able to watch it whenever I’m homesick. I just can’t believe we managed to catch that right when I needed the most. It was great.

  • Still sick

    Gross. And did I mention that I’m staying home today because I’m still sick? Yep, this damn bug is now three weeks old. I managed to evict it from my throat and it set up shop in my lungs. I was up all night coughing and horking up nastiness. In the immortal words of Xander, “Mix in a little rectal surgery, and it’s my best day ever!”

    Update: Well, I’m back from my fourth doctor’s visit in three weeks. I’m on yet another round of antibiotics, as well as stuffing myself with Vitamin C and Primrose Oil. The whole time she was talking to me I kept thinking about Max’s fascination with flesh-eating virii, and I swear I was thisclose to asking her if I could get tested for Ebola. 🙂

  • Cocktails

    I was just researching cocktails for a work project (as one does), when I came across a recipe for a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. As you all know, the effect of this drink is like “having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick”. We may have to try this.

  • I just found out from my Dad that we’ve had the third death in the family in the past year. I’ve lost my great-grandpa and two great-uncles, and I haven’t been there for any of it.

  • Desktop images

    Ooh, sexy desktop images. I’ve got the “Space Doggy” on my iBook right now. (Link courtesy of John, a soon-to-be Switcher.)

  • Amazing Race 4

    Damn. I thought the Snook and I were finally going to get our chance. Then I read the disclaimer. “g. Both members of each team must be United States citizens and live in the United States.” Awwww, no fair!

  • Pancakes

    Ooh! I almost forgot it’s Shrove Tuesday. We’re not religious, but hey, any excuse for pancakes, right? I’m torn between making my good ol’ American thick-and-big-as-a-dinner-plate recipe and this crepe-style one from Delia Smith. Hmmm, maybe we’ll have both. It’s supposed to be a bit of a feast, right? Then it’s straight back to the low-carb, I promise.

  • Braumeister

    Apparently it’s possible to brew beer in a washing machine. The Snook is gonna love this.