Month: April 2003

  • Enough of this veil of secrecy… Club EPSON is live! Of course, it still might have 50 million bugs, so explore with caution.

  • Cookies

    Woohoo! I managed to fix that bug that prevented Safari users (including myself) from saving their cookies at this site. If you’re using GoddessBlog, you need to rewrite a few lines to make it work. If anybody else notices any weirdness when leaving comments here (like if it suddenly won’t remember your name), please let me know.In addcomment.php, look at lines 34-37. I’m using the “header” command to send the cookies to the browser. Safari is kinda puking on this, so instead we’ll send them a different way. Just change those lines to look like this:

    $date = date(“D, d-M-y H:i:s”, ($time));
    setcookie (“userName”, $userName, $time, ‘/’,
    setcookie (“userEmail”, $userEmail, $time, ‘/’, ‘’);
    setcookie (“userUrl”, $userUrl, $time, ‘/’, ‘’);

    That should do it! Oh, and of course, replace the with your own domain name. 🙂

  • Murphy’s Law: Upon completing your first batch of Hello Kitty iron-on transfer underpants (heretofore known as the Cutest. Panties. In. The. World.), your digital camera’s batteries are sure to be dead. Pictures are forthcoming, I swear.

  • Well, I gave that whole “fartlek” thing a try tonight since you all recommended it. It was pretty tough. I did a quick warm up and then started alternating three minutes running with one minute walking. I was surprised that my overall pace didn’t seem to drop, considering how much I was huffing and puffing during those last sprints. I managed to finish my 2.5 km in less than 20 minutes, and I hit the 2-mile mark at 24:00 exactly. That’s pretty sweet. Even if I do the last mile at a crawl I shouldn’t have any trouble coming in under 40:00 for the 5K. (I feel I must report all this to you guys, as it’s like you’re my collective Coach.)

  • Safari Beta 2 is out… and it’s got tabs! I’m tabbing it up, baby!

  • Record Bowls

    Record BowlsRecord bowls!
    Well, that’s some progress. Starting from the bottom and going clockwise, that’s Madonna’s “Like a Virgin”, Culture Club’s “Colour by Numbers”, Stryper’s “To Hell With the Devil”, and the Carpenters’ “Now and Then”. I basically followed the Get Crafty instructions, and I really can’t stress how friggin’ easy this is. They recommend an oven temperature of 200F, but my oven wouldn’t even go that low. I just turned it down as low as possible. Put a bowl upside-down on a cookie sheet, whack the record on top, and set it in the oven for about five minutes. Pull it out (use a hotpad or you’ll burn yourself like me!), whip off the flimsy record, and shove it down inside another bowl to mold it. They don’t give off toxic fumes or anything, and they don’t get melty enough that you see fingerprints. (In fact, I think mine are somehow shinier now than they were before.) You’ve only got a few seconds to work with ’em though, so be quick. I went for a couple different shapes here. (It’s not possible to get them perfectly round, so don’t even try.) I think I’m going to glue some marbles to the bottom to act as legs and use a piece of tape to cover up the hole. Voila! Ultra trendy potato chip bowls. I’m so selling these at the Glebe Markets this year.

  • New Poll: How do you celebrate Easter? Are you all about the religious side of it, or do you revel in chocolate and bunnies? I’m happy to report that I haven’t received a single dreaded Peep this year. (The fam seems to have finally gotten the message that I loathe the buggers.) I really wish I had one of those Jello Jigglers egg molds though.

  • Ebert has posted the second part of his review of Birth of a Nation. I think he makes some good points about why it’s worthwhile to study art that is considered objectionable by today’s audiences. In Griffith’s time, people glossed over the racism and gasped at his cinematic innovations. Nowadays it’s the reverse, but that doesn’t mean the film shouldn’t be studied and understood within context.

  • Craft Backlog.
    I am not allowed to start anymore new crafts until I finish the old ones. Seriously. Right now I have on my list:

    • My first sweater, which is about 1/4 done.
    • About a foot of scarf made from some gorgeous red mohair.
    • A baby blanket for my little brother, of which I have, like, six blocks out of fifty.
    • A rugby scarf, which is currently just in the “piles of wool” stage.
    • Knitted socks for the Snook, of which I have only wool and a vague idea.
    • Record albums waiting to be turned into bowls. (see above)
    • Album covers waiting to be turned into purses.
    • Half a dozen pairs of socks waiting to be turned into monkeys.
    • A couple groovy old tins waiting to be painted and decoupaged.
    • My “Storm at Sea” quilt, still waiting to be finished and edged.
    • “Hello Kitty” images ready to be printed onto transfer paper and ironed onto my underpants.
    • A pile of miniature Harry Potter scarf bookmarks to be fringed and finished.

    See? Lots. I keep thinking of new things I want to try, though! I’ve been eyeing the resin supplies at the local casting shop. I have no willpower.

  • Belated Friday Five:

    1. What was the first band you saw in concert?
    My first “real” rock concert was when I saw Bryan Adams play in Cologne, Germany during the summer of 1994. I was sixteen. I was there for a study trip and my host sister and her friends took me. I wasn’t the hugest Bryan Adams fan, but every German there knew all the words and that made it so much fun. And come on, “Summer of ’69” is a GREAT song.

    2. Who is your favorite artist/band now?
    Hmmm. Well, historically I always answer R.E.M. to this question, but I haven’t actually been listening to them a lot lately. I think Dar Williams probably gets the most iPod playage these days.

    3. What’s your favorite song?
    I don’t think I have an absolute favorite. I tend to hear a song on the radio and get obsessed with it, only to drop it two weeks later. Enduring favorites include U2’s “One”, Ani Difranco’s “Both Hands”, and Blondie’s “The Tide is High”.

    4. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
    I used to play the trumpet in school, which was a lot of fun but – let’s be honest here – isn’t the sexiest talent to boast. I think secretly I’d love to play something difficult, like the violin or the cello. I’d be afraid to try to learn now though. I have this idea that if you haven’t been playing those since you were three, you’ll probably never get very good.

    5. If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?
    I don’t think I’d want to meet any of my musical heroes, because they’d probably be really obtuse or confrontational or uncool and then I’d be heartbroken. So I’ll go the starf**ker route and say Elton John. Seriously! We could become best friends and then he’d invite me to fabulous gay costume parties and introduce me to Geri Halliwell and send me thousands of dollars worth of flowers. That’d be neat.