Month: April 2003

  • Help me, oh running gurus! I will again be doing the Nike Women’s Classic 5K run this year, and I really want to improve on last year’s time. I’ve got about two months to go before the race. I’ve already managed to slice off a few more minutes but I’m worried that I’m not training as efficiently as I could. I’m currently running the full distance once a week, with mid-week sessions about half as long. (Of course, I’m doing all this on the treadmill and I know I should be running outside, but it’s getting chilly here and I need to justify my gym membership, dammit!) So, can you hook me up with any links or information about proper training plans? Should I concentrate on improving my time over the whole distance or on building up gradually? Anything you could give me would be great…

  • Break out the black armbands, low-carbers. Dr. Atkins is in critical condition after slipping on ice and banging his head. Ouch.

  • Whoa! The Millionaire cougher was found guilty! I figured they’d get off. Fortunately for us (if we ever get on) the Australian host is such a complete tool that he gives away the answers.

  • Another second place trivia finish… but I’m unhappy with my own performance. As the American, I’m expected to get pretty much all the U.S. questions. Going into the second round tonight, we were trailing considerably and needed to make up ground. The first question: “Name the five baseball players to hit more than 60 home runs in a season.” Everybody turned to me. I said triumphantly, “Sammy Sosa, Mark McGuire, Barry Bonds, Babe Ruth, and… Oh God. That guy. The one that got the death threats and his hair fell out. DEAR GOD, WHAT WAS HIS NAME?” And there I was stuck for the next thirty minutes. I agonized. I paced. I tore my hair out. I could not dredge that name up from my brain. I kept thinking “Roger”, but for the life of me I couldn’t recall his last name. I seriously almost threw up I was so pissed off.

    I did manage to redeem myself slightly though, by knowing who says the words, “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” So maybe I’m not completely useless.

  • Have you heard about the TV show about blogging that is supposedly in production? I got an e-mail from these folks yesterday, who thought my “web site
    seems like a potentially great fit for the show”. Of course, the fact that I’m in Australia and not bloody likely to send a “miniDV-format” video of myself to the US to be on a TV show I’ll never see seems to have escaped them. Looks like they’re just googling and spamming. Idiots. I wouldn’t waste your time on that one, folks.

    Update: Looks like at least one other person got it too.

  • Some cheeky bugger has submitted a photo of John Howard, Australia’s Prime Minister, to Am I Hot or Not? He’s currently polling 7.9, which I can’t believe. I gave him a 2. The man really is a troll.

  • Ebert is embroiled in the debate over Bowling for Columbine‘s accuracy. Interesting stuff.

  • Crafty folks in Sydney are invited to tonight’s Stitch ‘n’ Bitch, hosted by gadgetgirl. I’m gonna be there!

  • Actual Australian towns: Humpty Doo, Hat Head, Seventeen Seventy, Poowong, and Monkey Mia. There are hundreds of other funny ones, but those are my current favorites.

  • Okay, Wiley Wiggins has a blog?? You remember him; he was the new freshman in Dazed and Confused. My sister had a huge crush on him. And hey! He linked to Matt! First Weezer, then Wiley Wiggins. Matt is the favorite link of W-named celebrities. (Hee. Check out Wiley’s Sims.)