Well, our Russ got hitched today. The Snook was talking to me about something completely unrelated when they flashed some “official” shots from the wedding on the news. I hadn’t even had a chance to comment when he burst out, “Oh my God! Look at his hair!” It cracked me up. (The Snook, not Russell Crowe. Although that hair really was atrocious.) He likes to pretend that he’s so above such superficial tabloid celebrity crap, but really he’s a closeted pop culture beeyotch like the rest of us. 🙂
Month: April 2003
Another culinary success from the Atkins recipe book: Broiled Orange-Chili Chicken Breasts. It sounded good, and we had a couple oranges in the fridge to use up. (The Snook bought them for brewing last week. I didn’t even want to ask.) I only marinated them for 2 hours (rather than the 6-8 they recommend), but they still turned out delish. I even cooked up the marinade and turned it into a sauce! I am the next Nigella (except without the oral fixation).
Apologies for the light posting. I had a relatively relaxing weekend, except for my allergies which occasionally drove me crazy. We’re now fairly certain that I have a food allergy to “sulphur dioxide”, which is a fairly common food preservative (and unfortunately gets used a lot with red wine). I’m going to make an effort to avoid it and see if that helps at all.
In crafty news, I attended an “intermediate” knitting class Saturday. I was surprised by how much I knew. In fact, I didn’t actually learn anything new. Cables, fixing mistakes, changing colors… I’d already figured it all out from my books. What’s more, some of the other girls – who’d been knitting for years – didn’t know ridiculously simple things, like how to pull yarn from the center of a ball or make a tassel. So basically I got a lot of confidence out of the class, and I took the opportunity to get the teacher to help me plan my first sweater. I’ve got all the wool (some lovely Jo Sharp stuff in plum) and I spent most of today working on it. I’ve got about half of the back done! I can’t wait to try it on.
Damn! There’s a Dr. Who Convention in town this weekend and I didn’t know about it. I should get over there and see if I can take some orders for scarves. Although now that I think about it, the kind of fan that would fly to Australia for a convention probably already has a scarf… right?
Trivia Update: We sucked. I couldn’t remember Jimmy Carter’s wife’s first name. I couldn’t come up with the singer of “This is How We Do It”. I couldn’t even friggin’ remember that Ricky Martin is from Puerto Rico! (My friend Marteen would kill me.) Our only highlight was naming all three of the top-selling female Canadian recording artists of the 1990’s.
The Snook’s company has released a fun little time-waster of a Flash game called Penguin Panic. It’s basically Frogger, just with a little penguin. Apparently in the first version there were polar bears that you had to avoid, but Rodd eventually stopped laughing and pointed out that penguins and polar bears live at opposite poles. 🙂
Eek! Link removed. Apparently that’s just a secret little test thing and I wasn’t really supposed to link to it. Oops! If you linked it on your blog or something, could you take it down for now? I’ll tell you when we get permission.
I used to have a life. I used to, like, step away from the computer every now and then. That was before I found this My So-Called Life fan fiction linked on John’s site. I thought I could just take a peek… and then Brian Krakow got cancer, and now I’m going to have to read the whole damn thing.
Happy anniversary to my Snookums. Three years and counting!