Month: August 2003

  • The Snook and I made our second attempt at Japanese dumplings – “gyoza” – tonight. Rather than using Kristen‘s arduous (but authentic) recipe, we cut a few corners. Our dough wrappers were pre-bought from the Chinese store around the corner. For the filling, we used our hand blender to whiz up green onion, ginger, water…


  • Wow. Check out these 3-D animated gifs. I wonder if could do that with a conventional digital camera…


  • Baby animals are always cute, but a zenkey? Cutest. Animal. Ever.


  • Goodbye, Boudicca. She’s all backed up and going into the shop to hopefully get this monitor issue fixed. Between that and moving house, it may be a week of light posting…


  • Books: During a break in a Sunday knitting class a few weekends ago, I wandered into Dymocks bookstore to kill some time. “Hey,” I thought, “there’s that Da Vinci Code book everybody’s been raving about.” As I am powerless to resist the book-buying impulse, I bought it, brought it home, chucked it on the bookcase…


  • Trivia Update: We only managed a measly fifth place tonight. To add insult to injury, the Snook completely boned a bonus jug question that involved identifying the song that starts with the lyrics: “I hear that train…” That was a tough one to forgive. Other highlights from the quiz were: Name the five biggest ethnic…


  • Only one week til we move! The Snook got the phone hooked up at our new place today. Unfortunately our new number doesn’t spell anything cool.


  • Since I’ve been back from vacation, every time I’ve run I’ve gotten a side stitch and had to stop. Every time. Until this started, I don’t think I’d had one since elementary school. It’s high up on my right side and it hurts so badly I have to stop and walk. Anybody know why I’m…


  • Thoughts I had while watching Lost in La Mancha (the documentary about Terry Gilliam’s failed attempt to make a Don Quixote film in 2000) tonight: Man, I’m glad I dropped Film Production junior year of college. I’d hate to be stuck working in that industry. I didn’t know Terry Gilliam was American! I thought he…


  • There was a stupid anti-knitting troll in the Sydney Morning Herald today. I’m debating on sending in a response.
